VitaDAO Life Extension Conference at Vitalia City 2024
Welcome to the 2nd edition of the VitaDAO Life Extension Conference. The first one gathered 200+ Longevity enthusiast in Zuzalu, Montenegro.
This second installation will be happening in the tropical paradise in Vitalia City, Honduras.
Come and be a part of our 3-day journey as we delve into the groundbreaking advancements in longevity and rejuvenation biotechnology. This innovative and evolving domain focuses on enhancing human health and extending life by directly addressing the fundamental sources of diseases through aging intervention.
Throughout this event, you'll experience a series of engaging presentations, discussions, and interactive workshops led by renowned specialists.
Day 1: Friday, February 23, 2024
Shaping Civilization: From Longevity Cities to the Science of Rejuvenation
10.00am - 10.10am: Opening
Max Unfried, Opening
10.10am - 11.20am: Longevity Cities and States
Niklas Anzinger, Why Build A Decentralised Longevity City?
Sebastian Brunemeier, Longevity Free Cities & Prospects for Medical Freedom
Adam Gries, Vitalism: The Longevity (Network) State and Revolution
11.20am - 11.35am: Break
11.35am - 12.40pm: Longevity Cities and States
Rajiv Ahuja, Mindful Urbanism: Resilient Brain Health in a Complex World
Panel: Longevity Cities and States, Niklas Anzinger, Sebastian Brunemeier, Rajiv Ahuja, Adam Gries, Tina Woods. Moderator: Laurence Ion
12.40pm - 2.00pm: Lunch, Poke Bowls
2.00pm - 3.15pm: The Biology of Rejuvenation and Life Extension
Caitlin Lewis, Robust Mouse Rejuvenation to Reach Longevity Escape Velocity
Prof. Vera Gorbunova, Lifespan Extension and Rejuvenation by Targeting SIRT6
Prof. Andrei Seluanov, Rejuvenation Therapies Based on Long-Lived Mammals
3.15pm - 3.30pm: Break
3.30pm - 4.30pm: Psychedelics in Health & Longevity
Melinda Wang, The Combinatorial Explosion of Psychedelics and Beyond: Matching Therapeutics to Diseases
Max Unfried, The Role of Psychedelics in Healthy Longevity Medicine
Trishant Sidhwani, Building a Psychedelics Network State
4.30pm - 4.45pm: Break, Beers and Non-Alcoholic Beverages
4.45pm - 5.15pm: Decentralized Science for a Longer Life
Todd White, Funding Science on the Blockchain
James Sinka, DeSci: Coordinating Scientists to Fight Death & Beyond
5.15pm: Closing, Group Photo & Sunset with Beers and Non-Alcoholic Beverages at the Pier
7.00pm - 12.00pm: Bonfire at the Las Verandas Beach, Music, Karaoke and Casual Fun at the Las Verandas Beach Bar
Day 2: Saturday, February 24, 2024
Frontiers of Forever: Unveiling the Future of Health, Longevity and Life Extension
10.00am - 10.05am: Opening
Victoria Massó, Opening
10.05am - 11.00am: The Secrets of Centenarians
Robert Young, Overcoming the Maximum Human Lifespan Limit:
How Biogerontontological Research of Supercentenarians Points to Promising Areas of Future Life Extension
Prof David G. McCarthy, Mortality Compression and Postponement in Older Human Cohorts
11.00am - 12.00pm: Beyond Boundaries: The Future of Body Part Replacement and Head Transplantation
Justin Rebo, Replacement
Petr Kondaurov, Head Transplantation with SyBody
12.00pm - 12.15pm: Break
12.15pm - 1.15pm: Space Health and Longevity
Jennifer Fogaty, Optimizing Health to Explore Space – Applications for Earth
Scott Ginebaugh, Space Biology & Accelerated Aging
1.15pm - 2.15pm: Lunch, Local Honduran Meal
2.15pm - 3.30pm: Ovarian Odyssey: Pathways to Longevity and the Secrets of Estrogen
Dr. Maria Marinova, The Impact of Ovarian Lifespan on Female Longevity
Prof. Miguel Brieno-Enriquez, Forever Young: Lessons from the Naked
Mole-Rat Ovary
Nikolina Lauc, Is Estrogen a Longevity Drug? A Glycan Perspective
3.30pm - 3.45pm: Break
3.45pm - 5.00pm: The Roads Towards Healthy Longevity Medicine
Dr. Luisa Georgiana Baca, Hardwired: The Heart and Brain's Mutual Influence for Healthy Longevity and Wellbeing
Tina Woods, Quantum Healthy Longevity from Cells to Cities: Aging Biomarkers to Assess Interventions to Extend Human Healthspan
and Resilience
Dr. Nichola Conlon, Boosting NAD+ for Longevity
5.00pm - 5.30pm: Life Extension LBF Technical Roadmap to Solve Aging
Mark Hamalainen, LBF Technical Roadmap to Solve Aging
5.30pm - 5.45pm: Próspera
Eric Brimen, Próspera | Maximize Human Prosperity
5.45pm: Closing
7.00pm - 10.00pm: Speakers Dinner
Day 3: Sunday, February 25, 2024
The ever-growing Longevity Industry
10.00am - 10.05am: Opening
Max Unfried, Opening
10.05am - 11.05am: AI for Longevity
Dmitry Kalupin, Foundation Multiomics Models: Driven by Transcriptomics
Maxim Kholin, Doubling Human Lifespan - Harnessing AI, Physics, and Vast Medical and Omics Data
Michael Antonov, Computational Tools for Drug Discovery & Longevity
11.05am - 11.20am: Break
11.20am - 12.35pm: Longevity Biotech
Kamen Shoylev, Legal Obstacles to Longevity Biotech and How We Might Go About Removing Them?
Dr. Kelsey Moody, Tales of the Molecular Garbage Man
Dr. Michael Torres, The Best of Both Worlds: Building a Biotech with Crypto That is Attractive to Traditional VC and Pharma
12.35pm - 2.00pm: Lunch, BBQ and Musical Performance
2.00pm - 3.15pm: Moving Longevity Assets Towards The Clinic
Dr. Oki O’Connor, A Technology for the Removal of Toxic Biomolecules that Accumulate With Age. A Drug Entering Clinical Trials
Kia Winslow, Building a Pipeline of Clinical-Stage Therapies to Target Aging
Tristan Roberts, Running a Clinical Trial in Próspera
3.15pm - 3.30pm: Break
3.30pm - 4.20pm: Champions of Change: Nonprofits Leading the Quest
for Longevity
Stephanie Dainow, Heroes Without Capes: The Unseen Force of Nonprofits Transforming Longevity
Martin O’Dea, Non-Profits the Longevity Pioneers
4.20pm - 4.30pm: Break
4.30pm - 5.10pm: Fireside Chat: The “Right-to-Try” Novel
Medical Interventions
Dr. Aubrey de Grey and Senator Ken Bogner
5.10pm - 6.05pm: Longevity Biotech 2
Doug Ethell, Reversing Dementia and Keeping Brains Young with a Tiny Implant
Anna Vakhrusheva, Repurposing a Proven Gene Therapy for Hair and Skin Rejuvenation in Healthy Individuals
Ivan Morgunov, Multi-asset portfolio for longevity biotech.
6.05pm: Closing
Confirmed Speakers:
Speakers will be there in person, only 1 remote speakers.
Prof. Vera Gorbunova (University of Rochester)
Prof. Andrei Seluanov (University of Rochester)
Caitlin Lewis (Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation)
Dr. Nichola Conlon (Nuchido)
Kia Winslow (BioAge Labs)
Dr. Kelsey Moody (Ichor Life Sciences)
Nikolina Lauc (GlycanAge)
Max Unfried (National University of Singapore)
Jennifer Fogaty (Translational Research Institute for Space Health)
Mark Hamalainen (Longevity Biotech Fellowship)
Justin Rebo (KindBio)
Prof. David G. McCarthy (University of Georgia)
Todd White (VitaDAO)
Niklas Anzinger (Vitalia City)
Kamen Shoylev (University of London)
Rajiv Ahuja (Milken Institute)
Prof. Miguel Brieno-Enriquez (University of Pittsburgh)
Stephanie Dainow (Lifespan)
Oki O’connor (Cyclarity Therapeutics)
Tristan Roberts (Research Collective)
Adam Gries (Vitalism)
Michael Torres (ArtanBio)
Robert Young (Gerontology Research Group)
Dr. Luisa Georgiana Baca (National Institute on Aging)
Doug Ethell (Leucadia Therapeutics)
Dr. Maria Marinova (AthenaDAO)
Michael Antonov (DeepOrigin)
James Sinka (bio.xyz)
Ivan Morgunov (Longaevus Technologies)
Sebastian Brunemeier (Healthspan Capital)
Petr Kondaurov (Technozerg)
Laurence Ion (Vitalia City)
Martin O’Dea (Longevity Escape Velocity Foundation)
Maxim Kholin (Gero)
Scott Ginebaugh (Cosmica Biosciences)
Dmitry Kalupin (Unlock Biology)
Melinda Wang (Kaiser Permanente)
Dr. Anna Vakhrusheva (Unlimited Bio)
Tina Woods (Collider Health)
Senator Ken Bogner (Montana State)
Also, if you are interested in sponsoring this event reach out to max@vitadao.com
Other conferences in Vitalia City
If you can't make it for this conference here are other conference happening in Vitalia City:
19-21st of January - Longevity Biotech Conference: https://lu.ma/longbio2024
2-3rd of February - Startup Societies & Crypto Cities Summit: https://lu.ma/startupsocietysummit
5-10th of February - Vitalia 2024: AI & Technological Progress Conference: https://lu.ma/vitaliaai
Purchasing your ticket
To attend the Conference in Person you have to purchase the Vitalia Access Pass here https://lu.ma/vitalia (with crypto), or via the buy ticket button(credit card) . The pass is valid for the entirety of Vitalia and includes free daily healthy breakfast and access to all resort amenities
NOTE: Answer with "VitaDAO Life Extension" for priority application, in the question "How did you find out about Vitalia (if a person told you about it, mention them)?"
Pineapple Villas: https://www.facebook.com/ClarionRoatan/ (shuttle available)
Fantasy Island: https://maps.app.goo.gl/q5HtQ5oUtimuTdKp6 (shuttle NOT available)
Airbnb, Booking.com, Vrbo for French Habor, French Key, Parrot Bay are in closer proximity (15m by car); more touristy spots are West End, West Bay and Sanday Bay but these require 40-60m drive by car.