Make friends, learn stuff, and do something positive for the planet at Seattle's most joyful community space for climate action! Every Tuesday 6-9pm in Belltown with additional pop-up events ✨
You have 0 events pending approval by the calendar admin.
They will show up on the schedule once approved
April volunteer brunch & scheme session
By Nivi Achanta & Heather Stone
Seattle, Washington
Dream Sessions: Influence Change
By Nivi Achanta, Xavaar Quaranto, Ciara L Gormley & Alexander Tyr Bernard
2301 1st Ave
Suggested: $10
peer learning dinner party for joyful social transformation
By Nivi Achanta, Medha Sinha & Nathan Hatch
2301 1st Ave
Suggested: $10
how to have courageous climate conversations (an action-oriented dinner party)