Launched during San Francisco Climate Week 2024, 9Zero is uniting the climate community. Starting with coworking and events, we’re solving for connectivity to get everyone moving faster.
You have 0 events pending approval by the calendar admin.
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Climate Policy Member Lunch
By 9Zero Climate Innovation Hub, Lowell Bander & Laura Knaub
9Zero Climate Innovation Hub
Cascadia Meetup - Sticker Packing Party!
By Brandon Letsinger, Laura K. & Lowell B.
9Zero Climate Innovation Hub
Foundations of Climate Tech Marketing - Session 2
By 9Zero Climate Innovation Hub, Laura Knaub, Lowell Bander, Jason Demeny & 1 other
9Zero Climate Innovation Hub
Lunch & Learn - Back Pain & the Biosphere Workshop by Vicki Shaw
By 9Zero Climate Innovation Hub, Lowell Bander, Laura Knaub & Vicki Shaw
9Zero Climate Innovation Hub
lunch & learn
Let's Talk Disability Global Presents: Climate Change Makers: Neurodivergent Minds Shaping a Sustainable Future!
By 9Zero Climate Innovation Hub, Lowell Bander, Let's Talk Disability Global & Laura Knaub
9Zero Climate Innovation Hub
Office Hours with Anquida Adams for holistic coaching
By 9Zero Climate Innovation Hub, Lowell Bander, Laura Knaub & Anquida Adams
9Zero Climate Innovation Hub
office hours
Cancel Culture in Climate: How We End Polarization Through Climate Action
By 9Zero Climate Innovation Hub, Lowell Bander, Jenny Morgan & Laura Knaub
9Zero Climate Innovation Hub
Office Hours with E8 Angels
By 9Zero Climate Innovation Hub, Lowell Bander, Laura Knaub, Amanda White & 1 other
9Zero Climate Innovation Hub
office hours
YoungTech x 9Zero Present: DeepTech Pioneers
By 9Zero Climate Innovation Hub, Lowell Bander, Laura Knaub, Rishab Balakrishnan & 3 others
9Zero Climate Innovation Hub
Climate Investor Lunch, sponsored by Velveteen Ventures
By 9Zero Climate Innovation Hub, Lowell Bander, Laura Knaub & Karla Brollier
9Zero Climate Innovation Hub
Regenerative Design Workshop
By 9Zero Climate Innovation Hub, Lowell Bander, Laura Knaub, Sam Bazant & 3 others
9Zero Climate Innovation Hub
Food and Ag Sector Member Lunch
By 9Zero Climate Innovation Hub, Lowell Bander & Laura Knaub