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General Lithium HQ
AI Hardware Centric Makerspace located at 1338 Mission Street in San Francisco.
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Open Coworking & Building at General Lithium HQ
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
3D Printer Training
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
Suggested: $20
Open Coworking & Building at General Lithium HQ
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
LAZER FRYDAYS: Laser Cutter Training
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
Suggested: $20
Monthly Robotics & AI Meetup
By Tony Loehr, Anna Hollingsworth & Justin Zelaya
1338 Mission St
Open Coworking & Building at General Lithium HQ
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
Learn to Build Anything with AI - Rene Turcios at General Lithium
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
DevOps, IaC, & Infrastructure Meetup
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
Open Coworking & Building at General Lithium HQ
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
LAZER FRYDAYS: Laser Cutter Training
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
Suggested: $20
Winning Contracts With AI: Unlocking SAM.gov Opportunities at General Lithium
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
Suggested: $20
Open Coworking & Building at General Lithium HQ
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
Open Coworking & Building at General Lithium HQ
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
LAZER FRYDAYS: Laser Cutter Training
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
Suggested: $20
Build-A-Robot Workshop
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
EdgeAI and On-Device ML Developer Networking at General Lithium
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
Open Coworking & Building at General Lithium HQ
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
Open Coworking & Building at General Lithium HQ
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
LAZER FRYDAYS: Laser Cutter Training
By Tony Loehr
1338 Mission St
Suggested: $20
Mycelium and Microchips
By Tony Loehr & Anna Hollingsworth
1338 Mission St