Cover Image for make climate friends at the zoo
Cover Image for make climate friends at the zoo
Avatar for Soapbox Seattle Community
A pop-up community space in Seattle to make friends with neighbors who care about the planet!
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What rhymes with shoe and is a lovely place for a walk with your climate buddies?!


If that joke didn't chase you away, then you should definitely come to our Soapbox field trip to the Woodland Park Zoo on Saturday the 14th!

Soapbox Project is back at it — we're a third place for climate solutions, and we want to connect, learn, and take action with you.

Every so often, we do fun field trips for the purpose of... fun!

Walk around the zoo with us while making friends with people of all ages who care about the planet ✨

  • Who: Anyone who loves the planet! Bring your friends! Bring your kids!

  • What: Zoo field trip

  • Where: Woodland Park Zoo, meet at the Hippo entrance

  • When: 10:30 till however long it takes us to walk around the zoo, and then optional lunch and hangout after (there is also a cafeteria in the zoo if people get hungry)

  • Why: Climate anxiety and loneliness suck and meeting other climate friends = big brain climate solutions. Plus the zoo is awesome

  • Bring: Water, sunscreen, snacks to share, a good pair of walking shoes, your kids, a +1, and anything else you can think of that makes for a fun late summer day at the zoo!

Supporting the zoo empowers their critical conservation efforts, in many cases protecting endangered species from extinction.

The Woodland Park Zoo itself features exceptional enclosures for the animals, and was the first zoo to implement enclosures that mimic the animal's natural habitat (don't worry, they figured that out a long time ago, not like last year or something).

Woodland Park Zoo
Seattle, WA 98103, USA
Avatar for Soapbox Seattle Community
A pop-up community space in Seattle to make friends with neighbors who care about the planet!