Genesis Experience
Reinventing Leadership for Generative Futures
Join us for a two-day immersive and participative experience to explore emergent leadership practices at Commons Hub Brussels (1 min away from Central Station) and lay the foundations of the first Genesis Leadership Program.
Day1 : Immersive Experience with Speakers + Artists
Day2 : Participative Day : Brunch + Open Space (by Regens Unite) + Money Conference (by Greaterthan)
Full Agenda : www.genesisxperience.com
If you just want to join for day 1 or for any other questions : genesis.xp.tao@gmail.com or +32474281685
If you can't participate to day 1 : join Greaterthan's event on Saturday night : https://lu.ma/wcubqj4n
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Connect with the leaders, builders, thinkers, and facilitators of tomorrow, guided by some of today’s most visionary thinkers and practitioners!
How to design technologies that restore ecosystems and enhance human well-being ?
How to combine clear direction with effective collaboration to drive large-scale impact aligned with your core values ?
How the masculine and feminine can collaborate in a new way together ?
Together, we will embark on a collective journey that bridges personal transformation and system change, exploring polarity & creation dynamics at multiple levels – from leadership and relationships to families, teams, communities and society.
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Collective dialogs
Embodied workshops
Sensory experiences
Artistic Performances
Speakers & Facilitators
Peter Koenig | Source Work
Cadell Last | Philosophy Portal
Pamela von Sabljar | Living Eros
Dirk Marivoet | Body Mind Institute
Ilona de Haas | Source Work
Francesca Pick | Greaterthan
Xavier Damman | Commons Hub
Leen Schelfhout | Commons Hub
Timothée Brès | Genesis
Our community
Innovative builders, conscious leaders, social entrepreneurs
Facilitators, psychotherapists, body/mind practitioners
Researchers, philosophers, creative minds
Exchange with forward-thinking/sensing individuals
Integrate directive and collaborative leadership dynamics
Discover new leadership tools for autonomous teams
Gain clarity on personal and professional direction
Explore emerging cultures and current societal shifts
Prices are VAT included, ask for an invoice when you register!
Tickets bought are non refundable but can be given away or sold to someone else.
A few scholarships are available for people with low means and high motivation, reach out to genesis.xp.tao@gmail.com
Address : Rue de la Madeleine 51, 1000 Bruxelles