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Cover Image for Something about Money
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Money at the intersection of self, organizations and systems transformation

​New leadership calls for new ways of organising—including how we work with money! Many people and organizations are paving the way with progressive and participatory ways of working, yet how we use and work with money often remains stuck in old habits. Why is this? What makes it so hard to align our values with our actions when money is involved? And how can we change this?  

Join us for a participatory event at Commons Hub Brussels, as we delve into these important questions. Together, we’ll explore the many layers involved—from our personal relationship with money, to how it’s handled within organizations and its role in the broader systems we are part of. We will inquire, share examples and practices for how money can flow more regeneratively, and help us move from systems of scarcity, control and power imbalance, to systems based on abundance, trust and interdependence. 

Join us for an evening filled with inspiration, thought-provoking dialogue, and opportunities to connect and share!

Featured speakers

Peter Koenig, the originator of ‘Money Work’ and Source principles, is best known for his seminal research and workshops on the relationship between people and money. More recently his work has focused on identity and entrepreneurship.

Francesca Pick, is an ecosystem builder, organizational explorer, and community weaver with a decade of experience in self-organized communities and shared leadership. She is co-founder of Greaterthan, co-author of Better Work Together and Fellow at Edmund Hillary Fellowship.

Elena Denaro is a facilitator and coach passionate about leveraging relational dynamics to drive personal, organizational, and systemic change. Money has been a central thread in her work for over a decade; from research in economic sociology to supporting collaborative money practices in organizations. With her last name meaning money, this interest is, perhaps, not a coincidence. She is a partner at Greaterthan.

More speakers to be announced.

Program Overview

18.45 Doors open
19.00 Program opening
19.15 Talks
20.30 Collaboration Café
21.30 End of formal program: drinks & connecting until 22!

Your hosts

This event is a side-event of the Genesis Experience, organized in collaboration with Commons Hub and Greaterthan Collective.

Greaterthan Collective is a global consulting business born from over a decade of experience in decentralized, participatory organizing through the Ouishare and Enspiral communities. ​Questioning how we work with money and experimenting with alternative approaches has always been central to our practice. This includes playfully unpacking individual and collective money stories, opening financial books, dynamic budget allocation and “new pay” salary models.

Commons Hub Brussels
Rue de la Madeleine 51, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium
Avatar for Commons Hub Brussels Calendar
14 Went