meetups for people working in unstructured data. Speakers will come present about related topics such as vector databases, LLMs, and managing data at scale. The intended audience of this group includes roles like machine learning engineers, data scientists, data engineers, software engineers, and PMs. This meetup is sponsored by Zilliz.


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Aug 5
Cover Image for Unstructured Data Meetup SF

Unstructured Data Meetup SF

By Christy Bergman
Aug 13
Cover Image for Unstructured Data Meetup New York

Unstructured Data Meetup New York

By Tim Spann
New York, New York
Cover Image for Unstructured Data Meetup South Bay Edition

Unstructured Data Meetup South Bay Edition

By Chris
Palo Alto, California
Sep 9
Cover Image for Unstructured Data in LLMs and the AI Alliance Meetup

Unstructured Data in LLMs and the AI Alliance Meetup

By Christy Bergman
Sep 17
Cover Image for Unstructured Data Meetup South Bay Edition

Unstructured Data Meetup South Bay Edition

By Chloe Williams
Palo Alto, California
Sep 24
Cover Image for Unstructured Data Meetup New York

Unstructured Data Meetup New York

By Tim Spann
New York, New York
Oct 23
Cover Image for Unstructured Data Meetup New York

Unstructured Data Meetup New York

By Tim Spann
New York, New York
Nov 21
Cover Image for Unstructured Data Meetup New York

Unstructured Data Meetup New York

By Tim Spann
New York, New York