Cover Image for A Wikipedia Workshop For More Women & NB Stories! Session 2
Cover Image for A Wikipedia Workshop For More Women & NB Stories! Session 2
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A Wikipedia Workshop For More Women & NB Stories! Session 2

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San Francisco, California
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About Event

This is Session 2 of our Wiki Training! Come to one or both sessions to learn, discuss, and edit together. No experience required! We'll be there with you every step of the way.

Wikipedia (read approximately 8000 times per second) is considered the most massive centralized collection of knowledge in history. Men make up ~90% of Wikipedia's editors & ~80% of all biographies.

​We want to help bring more women and non-binary stories to the public web! We are aligned with Wiki Project Women in Red & their heroic efforts to combat the content gender gap. We are honored to welcome Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight, the co-founder of Women in Red, as our very special guest. She's also a real dame: an actual Serbian knight!

​We invite women-identifying & nb community to join us and contribute to our shared cause! We will be hosting 2 training and editing sessions:

​Session 1: Friday, January 10th, from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm


Session 2: Saturday, January 11th, from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm


​No experience is required! You are welcome to join for one session as an intro or both to get further along in your edits. Just bring your laptop 💻 & we'll provide the rest, including tasty meals & snacks!

Please review FAQs below for more information on the location.

About our Special Guest & Trainer

Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight

Dame Rosie Gojich Stephenson-Goodknight is an American Wikipedia editor, known on the site under the pseudonym Rosiestep, who is noted for her actions addressing gender bias in the encyclopedia by running a project to increase the quantity and quality of women's biographies. She has contributed thousands of new articles.

Stephenson was named co-Wikipedian of the Year in 2016. In May 2018, she was honored with a Serbian knighthood as a Dame of the St. Sava Order of Diplomatic Pacifism. She was elected to the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees in October 2021.

Check out Rosie's Wikipedia page and coverage of her inspiring work by The Washington Post and Glamour!

About Women in Red

Women in Red is a group of volunteer (unpaid) editors of all genders who live around the world and speak dozens of languages. Across different language Wikipedias, WIR focus on reducing systemic bias regarding gender representation (content gender gap) in the Wikipedia movement. Their goal is to "move the needle" in terms of statistical representation of women and other gender minorities on Wikipedia. They recognized a need for this work in 2014 when they learned that, as of October 2014, only 15.53% of English Wikipedia's biographies were about women.[1] Without a particular percentage in mind, they recognized that with persistence, they could increase it, one article at a time. With only this in mind, Women in Red was established in July 2015, at Wikimania Mexico City, by Roger Bamkin and Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight.


  • Proof of vaccination is required. Masks are highly encouraged.

  • This workshop is for Women-identifying and nonbinary community

  • Please review info on location & accessibility


This event will take place at The Ruby in San Francisco's Mission District. The Ruby is a community and gathering space for women-identifying and nonbinary people, and for the safety of its members their address is not public. Please do not share this address with anyone who is not attending the event. Seating will be first come, first serve.

There is street parking near the venue and public transportation is highly encouraged.


The entrance to this event requires going up a set of stairs. Please let us know at if we can help you or your belongings up the stairs.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
San Francisco, California
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