Cover Image for San Francisco | Build Together: AI Hackathon
Cover Image for San Francisco | Build Together: AI Hackathon
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Build Club

San Francisco | Build Together: AI Hackathon

Register to See Address
San Francisco, California
Past Event
Please click on the button below to join the waitlist. You will be notified if additional spots become available.
About Event

Pre-event Note:
A gentle reminder to please update your RSVP if your plans have changed - we have over (update: 120+) folks on the waitlist! All applicants who are accepted into this hackathon will be notified Thursday. We will begin onboarding people on Friday morning.

Please only attend physically if you're ready to build a new project from scratch, and submit your Github repo / Source Code.

This hackathon is the chance to share, learn, explore, and scratch that itch to build that thing you've always wanted to build... then share that thing with us!

If you'd rather participate virtually (while enjoying the very welcome "heat wave"): all talks will be recorded, and if you submit your video and source, you'll still be eligible for all prizes!

Good news: You can build with us (and win prizes!) if you build with us virtually here:

Some FAQs

1.⁠ ⁠How big can my team be?

1-4: All team members must be registered for the hackathon

2.⁠ ⁠How do prizes work?

This is a global hackathon. The top 2 teams from this City will compete in the Global Finals where there will be grand prizes by our main sponsors.

There will also be additional prizes for:

  • Top teams at each City

  • The best use of a particular tool from our Groq, our generous sponsors

More details will be shared on Friday!

3.⁠ ⁠Does it have to be a new project?

Yes! We'd prefer you start your project from scratch. This is a chance for you to turn that idea you'd always had into a real prototype!

4.⁠ ⁠Must I submit code?

Yes! For you to be eligible for prizes, you must share your source code, e.g. a GitHub repo (or similar). This is to promote sharing, learning, and the open source spirit.

Come build and network with top AI hackers and Engineers from around the World 🌎 ✨.

In a world first, Build Club (Global community for AI Builders) are bringing together top builders and 🔮 big dreamers around the world for an exclusive Hackathon backed by the best.

👋 This is an in real life hackathon, with activations in Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, San Francisco and Singapore.

🏗 How will it work

Team up or build alone to build: ☁️ AI for a better world ☁️
e.g: LLM energy consumption measurement, agents to augment repetitive tasks, reducing communication barriers, etc...

SF Schedule:

  • Friday 5:30- 8pm: 

    • AI mixer + team forming

    • workshop and Q&A at 6pm!

      • Groq is an ultra-fast LLM inferencing API. You can apply for increased rates!

    • Orb is a usage-based billing tool for your next LLM app!

    • Pizza will be provided

  • Saturday 9.30am - 6pm: 

    • Build your product!

    • Groq will be on-site for support

    • ☕️🍩🥡🥢 will be provided

    • Submit your entries by 9pm for guaranteed judging

  • Sunday 9-12pm: Demos and Prizes

  • [Invite only] Tuesday 12pm AEST: Virtual finals (top 3 team per City)

The San Francisco event is sponsored by:, Rabbit Inc, Startup HQ, and Founders Inc.

  • SPECIAL PRIZE: $500 prize for the best solution built on Groq

  • Groq is offering increased rate limits for all Build Together Participants

🏆 Why you should join

  • Win: $1K prize money + merch + mentoring

  • Learning: Credits + private workshops with sponsors

  • Networking: Mentors, workshops, connections

  • Fun: Meet other hardcore builders + make friends for life

🤝 Who is this for

​This is for technical builders (software engineers, ai engineers and researchers).

🏆 Prizes ($ bounty challenges), workshops, sponsors and co-branding opportunities, investors announced soon but include:

This event is run with 💘 by Build Club - a home for top AI founders around the world.

Questions? Reach out to City Leads:

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
San Francisco, California
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Presented by
Build Club