#2022-Nov Update

Dear Reader,

Thank you for being part of HEA in one way or another. As we gain momentum, I'll attempt to write bi-weekly updates highlighting progress milestones, key events, and opportunities for participation.

In these short notes, you'll find a summary of updates with respective links navigating to the sources across Discord and Notion pages. Some of these pages are only accessible to members or active contributors (Healers). Ways to join HEA at the end of this note.

This note is longer than intended since it's the first one and a recap of 4 weeks. They will get shorter 🤞!


In November, we started laying the foundations of Happily Ever After as a DAO (recap: What is a DAO?). We also held our first collective design sessions, ran a research study to refine our messaging, and welcomed our 100th member 🥳. Read on!

1. An Agreements Process is in place!

This is a major milestone because a decentralised community/organization like us, does not have a single source of authority. A self-managed decision-making process enables you to propose ideas and seek consent from others in the community. This means you can be part of various foundational efforts such as collectively deciding on common values that shape how we function.

If you need access to Notion please DM your email to anyone in the core team.

2. Highlights from After Hours - a bi-weekly community hangout to share gratitude, build meaningful friendships, and discuss updates / direction of HEA.

11 Nov - we had some fun drawing what our desires for preventive healthcare would look like. The exercise revealed connecting thoughts on physiological and psychological support for both providers and receivers of healthcare in a world of chaos. ICYM, here are the masterpieces and thoughts behind them.

25 Nov - Warmspace.io shared their latest interactive virtual communication program allowing members to connect quickly but deeply. Delphine (Warmspace co-founder) ran a workshop on Authentic Relating - a communication practice to build better relationships. Tip: Instead of simply sharing boring objective facts and one-sided subjective accounts, try adding your thoughts and emotions in your conversations. Overview of the method here.

👉 OPEN CALL: Anyone is welcome to suggest, share or hold experiences related to preventive health and communities - drop a note in #ops channel on Discord or email hello@hea.care

3. Collective-building Projects

⭐ SQ-3: Experience Design Session

Problem Statement: “How can we create health communities that are joyful, inclusive and seamless that people actually want?”

This project seeks to answer a broad but fundamental question. The goal is to leverage collective sense-making around the topics of preventive health by asking the right questions. The desired outcome is having projects / spaces that every member of the community can find value in being a part of. Join us for hour-long design sessions - there's one every week. At the end of the project, a whitepaper of our discussions will be published.

🚧 SQ-5: Barriers-to-Entry Research

Problem Statement: How can we get people who resonate with our vision to become active contributors?

This project started with a series of feedback sessions on our comms stack. The interviews revealed gaps in our messaging and helped us clarify how like-minded individuals can. take part. Ambrose our core developer is currently working on a site revamp, slated to relaunch in the first week of December. Follow-up feedback sessions will be conducted. Stay-tuned.

Momentum is building, and we look forward to wrapping up 2022 with a mind & body experience and a sharing from Panvala at the last two After Hours community gatherings of the year. Hope to see you at any of our upcoming project/event activities this month!


Here are some ways you can be part of HEA:

  1. Join the waitlist on Telegram or hop right into Discord

  2. Become an active contributor - Apply for healership