New Builds
New Builds is a new kind of hackathon event in Toronto that combines intensive project development with a unique team formation process. It features a sports-style draft night, followed by a 48 hour hackathon, where participants create new technology projects. The event aims to foster new collaborations, realize unique ideas, and strengthen Toronto's technology and creative communities.
If you have been approved as a New Builds participant, please RSVP to the Draft Night separately. Attendance is strongly recommended as this is where your teams will be formed.
Saturday, September 28
8:30AM: Arrival
9:00AM: Opening Ceremony
1:00PM: Lunch
Sunday, September 29
9:00AM: Check-In
1:00PM: Lunch
4:30PM: Hacking period closes, demos begin
5:00PM - 8:00PM: Demos, judging, deliberations
8:00PM: Awards & Finale
Food & Beverage
All tiers include one full meal on Saturday & Sunday at lunch, as well as snacks, drinks and refreshments, and patties for the entire hackathon duration.
Notice of Filming and Photography
Notice of Filming and Photography: There will be photo, audio, and video capture of the event.
Live Streaming: The event will likely be live streamed, allowing a wider audience to watch the team formation process, and learn about our city and ecosystem.
There are 3 tiers of tickets available to the event:
Tickets are pricing in the cost of the venue, food & beverage that will be provided, as well as all necessary equipment and A/V for the event in its entirety.
In kind contributions can be made by adjusting the ticket price to desired amount. For now contributors will receive our deep appreciation and thanks at the event for supporting our local community.
If there's any issue with ticket prices or logistics, please reach out to us directly and we can discuss further to work something out.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to @tommytrxnh or tommytrinh1@gmail.com.
Thank you for everything,