New Builds: Draft Night
Draft Night kicks off the New Builds hackathon with a first-of-its-kind team formation process. Inspired by the NBA Draft, teams are formed live through real time strategic decisions by Team Captains.
Start with 2 players including a Team Captain
Select from a Free Agent Pool
Free Agents have code names
Win mini-games to choose players
Every team will have 4 players
This is a unique approach that creates an engaging and unpredictable event that sets the stage for an exciting and competitive hackathon.
6:00PM: Arrival
7:15PM: Opening Ceremony
7:40PM: Drafting
9:40PM: Closing
We strongly encourage guests to arrive during the arrival period from 6:00PM - 7:15PM to secure their seats, food & drink, and to meet the other Draft Night attendees.
Formal attire is strongly recommended, but don't stress about it too much. You're here to have fun.
There will be a photo opportunity, and we encourage bringing any props that'll make this a fun experience for you and others. Some examples include a pair of shades, a MacBook Pro, or even a minion plushie. Be creative.
Food & Beverage
Food will be served throughout the evening, with beverages and additional meals directly purchasable through the Ace Hotel. Dietary restrictions have been taken into account, but if you have any questions about the food at all, please don’t hesitate to ask the Ace Hotel staff.
For attendees that require parking, please see the recommended parking solutions provided by the Ace hotel, as well as other nearby streets.
Out-of-Town Commuters
For attendees that will be commuting in from out of town and will not be staying in Toronto for the evening, please reach out to @tommytrxnh or We are currently investigating accommodations.
Notice of Filming and Photography
Notice of Filming and Photography: There will be photo, audio, and video capture of the event.
Live Streaming: The event will likely be live streamed, allowing a wider audience to watch the team formation process, and learn about our city and ecosystem.
Please select the New Builds Participant ticket if you've already registered and have been accepted to New Builds. Admission to Draft Night will be included at no cost.
For spectators, the cost is $100, which helps cover the event expenses.
In kind contributions can be made by adjusting the ticket price to desired amount. For now contributors will receive our deep appreciation and thanks at the event for supporting our local community.
If any costs present a significant barrier to your attendance, please let us know.
If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to @tommytrxnh or
Thank you for everything,