Cover Image for Move Hackathon by WebX

Move Hackathon by WebX

Hosted by AKINDO & WebX2025
Registration Closed
This event is not currently taking registrations. You may contact the host or subscribe to receive updates.
About Event

Finalist DEMODAYは7/29(土)15:30〜20:30に住友不動産新宿グランドタワーの3RD GEAR,inc(Septeni Group Office)にて開催!

3RD GEAR,inc
東京都新宿区西新宿8丁目17−1住友不動産新宿グランドタワー 27F(Map) 


※3RD GEARはセプテーニグループとなり、Luma上の住所はセプテーニとなっています。

This is the first Move Hackathon in Japan🇯🇵

[※English is blelow]Move Hackathonはアジア最大のWeb3カンファレンスWebXが主催するハッカーのための公式イベントであり、そして日本初のMove言語に特化したハッカソンです🌊



Move Hackathonの賞金総額は$30,000、次のメインストリームをBUILDするのはあなたです🛠




Axelarは、Web3のためのセキュアなクロスチェーン通信を提供します。 当社のインフラは、dAppユーザーが1クリックであらゆるチェーン上の資産やアプリケーションと対話できるようにします。


Sui Prize $20,000

1位:$8,000(Demo Day参加)
2位:$5,000(Demo Day参加)
3位:$2,500(Demo Day参加)
4位:$1,500(Demo Day参加)

1-4位はFinalistとして7/29のDemo Dayに招待され、当日のピッチを通じて順位が決定されます。

Circle Prize $5,000

1位:$2,500(Demo Day参加)
2位:$1,000(Demo Day参加)

1−2位はFinalistとして7/29のDemo Dayに招待され、当日のピッチを通じて順位が決定されます。

Axelar Prize $5,000

1位:$2,500(Demo Day参加)
2位:$1,000(Demo Day参加)

1−2位はFinalistとして7/29のDemo Dayに招待され、当日のピッチを通じて順位が決定されます。


Judging criteri


コンセプト・アイデア:審査員は、プロジェクトの独創性と影響力を評価する。審査員は、そのプロジェクトが斬新なアイデアを含んでいるか、あるいは 斬新なアイデアであるか、Suiネットワークにおける重要なニーズを満たすものであるかを評価します。



Sui、およびMoveの特徴のクリエイティブな活用:審査員は、効率性から複雑性まで、プロジェクトの技術的な実現可能性を検討します。審査員は、プロジェクトがSuiネットワーク上に展開されたときに機能する可能性を見ます。また、リソースの使用状況を含め、コードがうまく実行されるかどうかも考慮されます。Sui Moveの機能をうまく活用し、その活用方法についての知識を示すことが、このカテゴリーでのプロジェクトの評価につながります。












KICKOFF: 6/29(Thu)10:00-6/30(Fri)16:30

Sui Builders House Kyoto
京都府中京区車屋町245-2 京都 (エースホテル京都内)

このMove Hackathonのキックオフは6/29,6/30に京都で開催されるSui Builders HouseのアイデアピッチングコンテストからMoveの開発はスタートします。

DEADLINE: 7/20(Thu)23:59

Move Hackathonのプロダクト提出締切です。期限までにAKINDOでプロダクト提出完了を行う必要があります。

Finalist Announce: 7/25(火)18:00



How to Participate🛠

  1. このページより1次エントリー

  2. エントリー後に案内されるHackathonページより本エントリー

  3. 本エントリー後、オンライン会場のDiscordへ参加し自己紹介を行う





評価プロダクトは6/29〜7/20の間に開発をしたMove言語を活用したプロダクトが対象となります。Github repoのURLを必ず提出頂きます。


2.Move Hackathonはオンラインハッカソンですか?

はい。Move Hackathonはオンラインハッカソンとなり、会場はDiscordとなります。Sui、CIRCLE、Axelarといったスポンサー陣によるメンターもDiscordにいますので、オンラインにてコミュニケーションを行ってください。







はい、このMove Hackathonはプロダクト提出、最終ピッチは全て英語での開催となります。審査員がSui,CIRCLE,Axelarと海外のプロジェクトとなり、審査員は日本人はありません。適切な評価、審査をしてもらうためにプロダクトは英語での提出が必須となります。

This is the first Move Hackathon in Japan🇯🇵

[Japanese🇯🇵 is below]Move Hackathon is an official event for hackers organized by WebX, Asia's largest Web3 conference, and the first hackathon in Japan dedicated to the Move language 🌊.

It will be held as a remote hackathon (deadline for product submission is 7/20(Thu) 23:59, and the demo day, which will be the final selection, will be 7/29(Sat)).

The Move language has attracted a great deal of attention as a smart contract language that solves the challenges of traditional blockchain and has been adopted by Sui and other next-generation L1 chains, so let's make an innovative impact on the Move ecosystem by utilizing the Move or Sui chain.

The Move Hackathon prize pool is $30,000, and you are next to BUIDL the mainstream 🛠.

What is Move?

Move is a functional bytecode programming language developed by Facebook specifically for building smart contracts on the Libra blockchain (now known as Diem).

It is a statically-typed, safe, and resource-aware language that offers unique features for blockchain programming, such as resource verification and automated code verification. Move is designed to make it easier to write and verify smart contracts, and to ensure their safety and security on the blockchain. Currently, Move is being used by the Sui and Aptos blockchains.


Sui is an innovative, decentralized Layer 1 blockchain that redefines asset ownership.

USDC delivers money in a near-instant, at near-zero cost, and into the hands of more people in more places.

Axelar delivers secure cross-chain communication for Web3. Our infrastructure enables dApp users to interact with any asset or application, on any chain, with one click.


Sui Prize $20,000

The Sui Prize of $20,000 will be distributed to the top teams whose products utilize the Sui blockchain. Product judging and evaluation will be handled by the Sui core team.

Sui Development Documents

Circle Prize $5,000

5,000 will be awarded to the top teams whose products utilize Sui or the Move language. The CIRCLE core team will be in charge of product judging and evaluation.

Axelar Prize $5,000

The Axelar Prize of $5,000 will be awarded to the top teams whose products utilize Sui or Move language. The Axelar core team will be in charge of product judging and evaluation.

Move Documents

Judging Criteria👀


Concept / idea: Judges assess the originality and likely impact of the project. They gauge if it involves a novel idea and/or might fill an important need in the Sui network. Although similar apps may exist on traditional networks, judges will give credit for projects newly bringing similar functionality to Sui.

Product: Judges will rate how far along the project is in development. Looking at the scope of project development from initial idea, to minimum viable product, to released app, judges will give the greatest weight in this category to projects that have moved the furthest towards completion.

Technical implementation: Judges grade code completeness and originality. They will look at how much of the project's code has been written, whether working code has been deployed on the network, and how much of the code represents an original effort by the project team.

Creative use of Sui Move Features: Judges will consider the technical feasibility of projects, from their efficiency to their complexity. They will look at the likelihood that the project will work when deployed on the Sui network. They will also consider if the code will run well, including resource usage. Making good use of Sui Move features, and demonstrating a knowledge of how to leverage them, will help project ratings in this category.

Real life use: Judges will assess the impact the project will have on the world. It will consider if the project is solving a clear need for a specific audience group.

Overall impression: Judges will take all previous criteria into account as they assess the overall professionalism of the project and team. They will look at the presentation quality as it relates to how well the project team will do at securing funding and marketing their project to the public.

Development Documentation of Sui


Innovation and Creativity: Is it a New Idea? Does it solve a problem?

Is the project using the blockchain efficiently: what aspects are on-chain? If there is a token model, is the tokenomics sustainable?

Feasibility: Is the project more feasible than a hackathon?

Design and UX: level of thought put into the interface

Interoperability: does the app promote interoperability between blockchains?

built on USDC and / or Circle products.

Challenge Name:

Prize for using Axelar GMP for sending Interchain Messages / Tokens

Use Axelar in your project to build a DApp that takes advantage of the ability to interact with contracts across multiple chains using Axelar’s General Message Passing.

Acceptance Criteria:

Use GMP’s callContract or callContractWithToken to provide valuable interchain functionality as part of your DApp

Projects will be judged on Viability, Creativity, and how essential being Interchain is to your DApp

Please include the following in the / of your application:

You must share an AxelarScan link with a completed Interchain transaction

You must share the source code of your DApp

You must share at least 2 positive or negative experiences you had with learning and using Axelar


​KICKOFF: 6/29(Thu)10:00-6/30(Fri)16:30

Sui Builders House Kyoto

245-2 Kurumaya-cho, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto (inside Ace Hotel Kyoto)

The Move Hackathon will kick off with an idea pitching contest at the Sui Builders House in Kyoto on June 29 and 30. Apply here→

DEADLINE: July 20(Thu) 23:59

Deadline for Move Hackathon product submissions. You must complete your product submission on AKINDO by the deadline.

Finalist Announce: 7/25(Tue) 18:00

DEMODAY: 7/29(Sat) 14:00-20:00

Location is yet to be determined. Please wait for the announcement.

How to Participate🛠.

  1. First entry from this page

  2. After entering, you will be guided to the Hackathon page to make your final entry.

  3. After the main entry, join the online Discord and introduce yourself.

After 3 steps, you have entered the Hackathon and will be able to develop an innovative blockchain product using Move from June 29th to July 20th.



1. Can I submit a product that I have developed in the past?

We will only evaluate products that were developed between June 29th and July 20th, and that utilize the Move language, and you must submit the URL of your Github repo.

Products that have been committed before that date or that do not utilize Move will not be evaluated.

2. Is Move Hackathon an online hackathon?

Yes, Move Hackathon is an online hackathon and will be held on Discord, with mentors from sponsors such as Sui, CIRCLE, and Axelar on Discord. Please communicate with them online.

The Kickoff Event on 6/29-6/30 and Demo Day on 7/29 will be real events.

3.Can anyone participate?

Yes, anyone can participate. Anyone can participate for free, regardless of age or nationality. One person can be a member of multiple teams and submit multiple products.

4.What will happen to the rights of the submitted products?

All rights to the products submitted to this hackathon belong to the builder who developed them.

5. Will the hackathon be held in English?

Yes, the Move Hackathon will be held in English for all product submissions and final pitches.