Houston Energy & Climate Week is a significant platform that drives awareness and education around the energy transition and climate change. We're a part of a network of weeks across the world.
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Allies in Energy Volunteer Day @ Hermann Park
By Ingrid Velasco, Lindsay Roe & Samhita Shah
Hermann Park
Community Engagement
Energy Workforce of the Future
By Katie Mehnert & Kevin McMinn
10000 Energy Dr
Cleantech Leaders Dinner Reception with Jigar Shah
By Michelle Jednachowski, Ann Davlin, Jacob Susman & DC Climate Week
Washington, District of Columbia
Day 1: Climate Innovation & Technology
By DC Climate Week
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg Center
Day 2: Policy & Advocacy
By DC Climate Week
Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library
Day 3: National Job Fair
By DC Climate Week, Clean Energy for America EF (CE4AEF) & Clean Energy Business Network