Cover Image for The Commons Salon πŸ•―οΈ
Cover Image for The Commons Salon πŸ•―οΈ
58 Going
Past Event
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About Event

β€‹πŸ•―οΈ Welcome to The Commons Salon.

​The Commons Salon is a weekly 2ish hour experience that squeezes the entire Commons ethos and experience into a single evening.

​The Commons Salon is about earnest inquiry. It's about being in really sincere questioning with one another about what is good. Like, sincerely.... what is good? We so rarely pause, take a moment's breath and let ourselves breathe LIFE into that question, instead deferring to our usual habits of assuming, acting, and forcing countless past notions onto goodness.

​The Commons Salon is about community. About being on the razor's edge of our unfoldings as individuals, as a community, as a people, as a world – and tenderly caring for that unfolding.

​The Commons Salon is about play. Improvisational, spontaneous fun.

​At its best, The Commons Salon feels like a townsquare meeting, secular church service, college improv class, heart-to-heart connection, and night late musings that spark our passionate souls.

​At its best, The Commons Salon is nourishment for the exploratory, adventurous, curious soul in each of us.

​Coming each week, The Commons Salon will have a cozy structure that begins to breed familiarity and comfort. Coming each week, The Commons Salon will somehow feel different each and every time.

​The Commons Salon is about showing up. However we are, and being alive – with one another, for one another, for our deepest longings of the soul. In doubt if it's for you? Come. πŸ”₯ Let the fire of the salon ignite a roar within you.


​Salon 1:
Salon 2:
Salon 3:
Salon 4:
Salon 5: (we skip 3/7)
Salon 6:
Salon 7:

550 Studio (at 540 Laguna St)
58 Going