peer learning dinner party for joyful social transformation
Looking for joy in these apocalyptic times? We got you!
Soapbox Seattle is a joyful third place for climate action, and we host community dinners every Tuesday evening rooted in art, music, plant-based food, connection, and meaningful advocacy.
Our April topic is How to influence change.
Our second week every month is our LEARN module. This time, the experts are goign to be YOU! So whether you've changed a policy, participated in a successful protest, or even convinced your parents to get a pet when you were 8 years old, come chat with new friends about how to actually create change.
This (and all our events) are beginner-friendly and you get to choose how much you want to teach vs. learn vs. just vibe.
The plan
6-6:30 | arrive, eat dinner, chit chat, make friends
6:30-7:15 | an affinity activity + small group discussions to identify where you are on various axes for change
7:15-8:30 | peer learning organized by the 4 R's of social transformation with some notes about Soapbox's core competencies
8:30-9:00 | do you boo!! make some friends learn some stuff put some future dinner dates on the calendar ✨
The food
We'll be having food from our friend who runs Rojo's!
More info, in general, if you're a new friend:
Every single Tuesday evening from 6-9 PM, our vibrarians at Soapbox Project help you make new friends, invite awesome educators from frontline communities, and facilitate action so YOU can be part of the solution.
Each month, we pick a different theme and break it down into CONNECT-LEARN-ACT-REFLECT modules (one for each Tuesday of the month).
You’ll leave with new friends, new information, and the knowledge that just by showing up, you’ve made a huge difference towards a healthy planet 💚
This space is hosted by Soapbox Project, a nonprofit that creates joyful community structures to heal our climate anxiety and loneliness through expertly facilitated connection, learning, and action activities. Find your place in the climate movement with our online and in-person community!