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Cover Image for Career Coach Event
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122 Going Career Coach Event

Past Event
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🚀 Get ready with!

Join us on June 27, at 6:00 PM PST for a lively 45-minute Zoom session. It would be hosted by Chris, our Senior Career Coach (also FAANG Recruiter!) in Tech.

Do you know who the best person is to ask for a referral—hiring managers, direct supervisors, or senior team members? Do you know who should provide you with a recommendation letter when applying?

On the day, Christer will discuss Effective Networking Strategies For Referrals and How to Build your Personal Brand!

  • Practical Networking Strategies : Gain an effective insider tips for effective networking strategies. Follow step-by-step and learn how to get a referral!

  • Personalized Q&A: Get your specific questions answered and receive tailored guidance to navigate networking and building your personal brand.

  • Interactive Networking: Engage with fellow participants, exchange ideas, and expand your professional network during our dedicated networking segment.

Seats are limited, so make sure to reserve yours here! Don’t forget to join our Discord community for more resources and updates on job hunting, and to connect with like-minded professionals.

Mark your calendar, set a reminder, and see you on Zoom! 🎉

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Discord Event
122 Going