Writing Spirit: A Flow Journaling workshop
Four Monday evenings (July 10-31)
6:30 pm/Eastern
Recorded, in case you can't make it live
What is asking to be said? What is asking to be heard? What have I noticed? What wisdom might I share? What do I want to move out of my heart and onto the page?
I think of Writing Spirit as the part of the human soul that wants to connect through words. Through story-telling and story-listening, through poetry and the lyrics of a favorite song. Through listening and speaking and capturing words on a page, Writing Spirit seeks, most of all, to connect.
To connect with yourself. To connect with others. And for many people, your Writing Spirit helps you to connect with God - with the spiritual forces that surround and support us.
Writing Spirit might also be thought of as an invisible companion — the listener that you sense there, just over your shoulder as your pen flies across the pages of your journal.
You may think of this part of you as 'self’ or ‘soul'. You may sense it as an angel, a muse, an ancestor, a friend. It's that sense of a listener - attending to what you have to say.
Writing Spirit is not its name - but I’m using that label to shine a gentle light on this aspect of human consciousness that has always called us to speak, to read, to paint images on cave walls - and by this activity, to connect.
Writing Spirit is a Flow Journaling Workshop. That means that this isn’t writing toward publication. It’s writing toward self-awareness. Writing toward connection with the deeper, wider parts of your own heart. (Which, paradoxically. is often the kind of writing that does get published - because it's uncomplicated, direct and open-hearted.)
So, it's a journaling workshop. A listening workshop and a connecting with the one who is listening to you sort of workshop.
When I touch in with my journal, I am always aware of a listener. An angel? Perhaps. My mother, ever the writing teacher, in life and beyond? Maybe. Most likely, it’s some mystical confluence of all of these threads supporting. Listening. Helping my own Writing Spirit speak.
This workshop is all about voice.
This working is all about listening for the voice of what is listening to you.
I invite you to connect with your own Writing Spirit. To ask it: What do you want to say? What do you want me or other people to know? What story do you want to tell?
This summer course is simple (meaning that there's no pressure, no competition, no critique, no grades).
It includes:
Guided Imagery Meditation
Prompts and short readings from spritual writing or poetry as creative sparks
20-minute silent writing together session
Safe and inclusive space where you can share what you've written - or not.
A dedicated Substack chat where you can connect after the session.
Whether you're a seasoned writer or someone who is just beginning, you are welcome here.
I hope that you’ll join me:
You can register here
Paid subscribers to my Substack, use your magic coupon code for a 10% discount.
Image: A Girl Writing. The Pet Goldfinch art print by Henriette Browne.