Cover Image for Art of the Pitch - Level Up with Roundtable Records
Cover Image for Art of the Pitch - Level Up with Roundtable Records
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Presented by
50 Going

Art of the Pitch - Level Up with Roundtable Records

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Toronto, Ontario
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About Event

Meet RoundTable Academy

Round Table Academy is a vibrant collective of young artists and entrepreneurs from the Toronto area. With a range of innovative programs such as the Art of Pitch, STEM to STEAM, Artrepreneurship, and Artist Reform, they have created a captivating movement that has garnered a devoted following of "Artrepreneurs"—entrepreneurs who apply artistic principles to achieve success. 

Round Table has established a strong presence in the education sector and local music scene, forming partnerships with organizations like UTSC, Nobellum, R.I.S.E. Edutainment, and Scarborough Arts. Their mission is to inspire and uplift communities by bridging the gap between community and corporations, as well as between arts and entrepreneurship.

Level Up Series

​​​Join us this fall for our Level Up series generously supported by Elina Chow. This program includes skills development, mentorship, literacy, and more. Start-ups, faculty, and researchers can enter at any stage and learn the skills to progress: 1) Ideation and Design 2) Formation and Solidify 3) Grow and Scale and 4) Getting Seed Funding Ready 

​​​Click Here to register for Level Up.

​​Sam Ibrahim Centre (SICIEEIL)

​​​We are the Sam Ibrahim Centre for Inclusive Excellence in Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Leadership (SICIEEIL). Our centre was created through the generous investment of $25 million from proud Scarborough entrepreneur and UTSC alum, Sam Ibrahim. SICIEEIL will expand on UTSC’s innovation services and provide them to an even wider audience.  

​​​Note: The Hub—UTSC's startup incubator, which has supported over 400 startups and helped generate more than $100 million in combined revenue and investment—has transitioned into SICIEEIL

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Toronto, Ontario
Avatar for SICIEEIL Calendar
Presented by
50 Going