Cover Image for The Art of Looking at Ourselves
Cover Image for The Art of Looking at Ourselves
Hosted By
12 Went
Past Event
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About Event

The Art of Looking at Ourselves
Join Us for a Transformative Experience!

3 days

Wed. 21st August 10:00-17:30,

Thur. 22nd August 10:00-17:30,

Fri. 23rd August 10:00-21:30

This three day intensive is an introduction of Context Oriented Arts. CoArts form the basis of the innovative new creative mindfulness program 'Coming to Our Senses.'

Coming to Our Senses was piloted with NHS staff at ABUHB and showed a significant impact on measures of wellbeing for those participating.

This course is for practitioners interested in learning how arts can combine with mindfulness practices to help improve our mental health.

This intensive is followed by an 8 week online course (90 minutes a week) which will enable selected practitioners to deliver the Coming to Our Senses program, (once they have shadowed one delivery of the program to NHS staff).

Further information on 'Coming to Our Senses' can be found here -

This project is supported by an Arts Council of Wales Arts, Health and Wellbeing Lottery Grant.

Medical Education Centre, The Grange Hospital, Caerleon Rd, Llanfrechfa, Cwmbran NP44 8YN
Hosted By
12 Went