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5 Steps to Move from Surviving to Thriving - Tuesday Series

Hosted by Dionne C. Monsanto
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About Event

To the busy professional woman focused on everything (and everyone) but herself:

It’s time to take a WOOSAH and acknowledge that you need more time for yourself!

Introducing "5 Steps to Move from Surviving to Thriving"

(“WOOSAH” - A deep breath and sigh of relief that part of your day is done.)

This workshop will help you put yourself on the top of your own TO-DO list and check off all your self care accomplishments.

In this four week live (over Zoom) workshop, we are going to get deep into:

  • Why devoting extra time to yourself frees up even more time for everything else

  • How being 5 minutes late WILL make the rest of your day easier

  • Escaping the sensory overload of all our “time saving tools”

In addition, you will learn how to rewire your brain and your life by building the perfect personalized process that is both fun to use and makes you focus on YOU.

Make sense? Great! Sign up by following the Register link above.

About the Presenter

Dionne is an expert in this field because she has been you!

She was an overwhelmed, intense adult, with no time with or for herself! Her kids thought she was not fun. Imagine that!

She’s an Aries, native New Yorker, with 20 years of experience in the financial service industry. She has juggled home ownership with a house, a tenant, car AND THREE kids! When the kids were at home she was full-time in the financial service industry. Alternate side of street parking is enough to implode regularly.

She is now an empty-nester that is self-employed and plays daily. She rides the roller coaster of life and throws her arms straight up when things go downhill.