Cover Image for Real Talk: AI, Tech, content, Influencer, Platforms - Is Creativity still setting culture!?
Cover Image for Real Talk: AI, Tech, content, Influencer, Platforms - Is Creativity still setting culture!?
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Real Talk: AI, Tech, content, Influencer, Platforms - Is Creativity still setting culture!?

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It used to be more simple…Brands and agencies would play a heavy hand in driving culture and earning cultural currency. From the Marlboro man, to 501s, the Pepsi challenge, to the earlier Apple launches, Nike Jordan… agencies and brands have historically played a big part in setting popular culture and driving big business. 

But it’s very different today and arguably will be unrecognizable tomorrow… with mobile, technology, commerce, the experience economy, and the global scale of platforms, everyone is in culture …making, creating, influencing, buying anywhere, any time. We have a plethora of start up brands, combined with the proliferation of personal brands. And at the centre of this we have consumers in control of what they will and will not engage with. 


Additionally, with the advent of generative AI, combined with the power of algorithms we are

kept in ‘creative and cultural’ echo chambers. So, ask yourself… “Is real culture being moved?” Or, like fake news do we have to now watch out for ‘fake culture’…? 


Brands want to be IN culture… Is this a worthwhile goal? Are agencies able to deliver this? Can brands hold such a lasting place in culture, when moments seem to come and go daily? What accountability does AI, and its potential bias, have in culture? And, ultimately, is all of this good for business? 

Let’s hear from a set of agency leaders, new school researchers and makers whose creativity is on the line every day to deliver in this new world. 


It’s Real Talk on Forward Focused Friday @ Inkwell Beach


… Join us, to dive into creativity, AI, culture and cool…

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