UK TRE Community Documentation Sprint - 3 of 3
About Event
Over the course of three days, we will run 1x 2.5 hour slots per day for members of the community to come and help us either:
Review and iterate docs we have created
Write new docs that haven't been created yet
The idea will be to have a 'hack week' where the community can join whenever they can to contribute to the first version of these documents, leaving enough time for us to synthesize contributions down into a first version by the March meeting.
The Documentation & Governance Days will follow a similar, but softer, structure to the Turing Way Book Dashes.
It will focus on both:
Governance and processes
Documentation (for instance, contributing files, README, website docs etc.)
There will be 3 documentation days (please register to each one you plan to attend separately).
Thursday 29th Feb 14:00 - 16:30
Monday 4th Mar 14:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 5th Mar Feb 10:00 - 12:30