Female Founders in Climate Tech: a roundtable breakfast

Hosted by Nisha Desai & 7 others
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Houston, Texas
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Hosted by Nisha Desai (Intention), Janice Tran (Kanin Energy), Cynthia Walker (TES Americas), Jhana Porter (Frakktal), Lynn Frostman (Syzygy Plasmonics), Marya Cokar (Biosfera), and Christie Obiaya (Heliogen)

We’re celebrating Houston’s inaugural Energy and Climate Startup week with a breakfast tailored for female entrepreneurs and their supporters. Join us for a set of roundtable conversations to connect, collaborate, and share insights with other women leaders who are building early-stage companies in climate and energy transition.

Thanks to our sponsors VInson & Elkins, Suddith Search, and OCI Global for helping us organize this memorable event for our community.

Seating is limited and attendance is subject to approval. We are prioritizing founders and senior leaders of climate and energy transition startups so that we can build the peer-to-peer connections that are so crucial in early stage companies. But we will definitely open up to others if we have room.

And if you know an awesome climate tech founder whom you’d love to engage in this conversation, please let tessa@sudduthsearch.com know so that we can send her an invitation.

We believe in the power of inclusivity and diversity. We welcome and encourage the participation of anyone who identifies as female, including cisgender women, transgender women, and non-binary individuals who feel comfortable in spaces centered on women.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Houston, Texas