Home pages built for sales and signups
Why you absolutely can’t miss this workshop:
👉Your home page isn’t doing all it could to help you get sales and signups
👉You know you need to change something, but it feels like a gigantic headache
👉Some support on this would be nice, but you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars
👉You don’t have a ton of time (who does?)
👉You’d rather not spend that time at another “training” with a PDF that mildews in a folder somewhere
👉A few more discovery calls/email signups/sales could make a huge difference to your business
Let's optimize your website for an overflowing cornucopia of sales, booked calls, or newsletter signups.
We can't cover everything in an hour, but we can cover:
👉What impression does your website give in the first five seconds?
👉Are you talking to your best-fit client, or to “everyone?”
👉Can we scan?
👉Is everything in the right order?
👉Do you have proof?
Includes a work-along document so you can make changes in a snap. And so you can remember what the heck we talked about, even a month from now.
Sign up now to join this hands-on work party!
(Don't have $19 to spare? Email hello@kelleygardiner.com and we'll set you up.)