Community Meetup: Moving to a sustainable web
How to improve your website’s carbon footprint and why you should
We will explore a few key questions on this topic with space for questions from the community:
what does the term sustainable web mean?
why should we care about this?
How do we measure carbon emissions?
How are councils faring?
What can you do to improve CO2 emissions in your website? Without a developer.
What tools and Drupal modules can help with this?
Mike Gifford, Civic Actions and Drupal Association. As a long-term environmentalist, Mike has found ways to integrate his passions for the web and the planet. His most significant contributions have been in the development of the Sustainable Web Manifesto and adding an open source perspective to Tim Frick’s book Designing for Sustainability.
Stuart Lowe, Open Innovations (formerly ODI Leeds). Stuart works on a range of projects using open data from visualising the Internet-of-things sector to mapping open datasets in the north of England to hex cartograms of election results to visualising future energy scenarios and measuring website carbon emissions.