Cover Image for zkWarsaw 13: PLONKish arithmetization
Cover Image for zkWarsaw 13: PLONKish arithmetization
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During the next zkWarsaw meetup, Leonid Logvinov will explore the internals of how ZK programs get compiled & proved starting with some theory. Then we will move on to example programs. The Noir & Barretenberg will be used as a tool to broader exploration of the concepts.

If you ever asked yourself one of those questions:

• What's the difference between SSA, ACIR opcodes, circuit size, Brillig?
• What's the difference between PLONK, TurboPLONK, UltraPLONK
• How are bounded integers (u8, u32 etc.) implemented in a circuit?
• How do I profile my ZK circuit?
and many more related - this talk will shine some light trading some rigor for pedagogical clarity.

​​Location: Warsaw University of Technology - Faculty Mathematics and Information Science. Entrance from Koszykowa Street or Aleja Niepodległości Street; floor 1, room 105. Go up the main staircase to the 1st floor. Room 105 is located to the left of the stairs in the corner of the building.

Wydział Matematyki i Nauk Informacyjnych Politechniki Warszawskiej
Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warszawa, Poland
Entrance from Koszykowa Street or Aleja Niepodległości Street; floor 1, room 105. Go up the main staircase to the 1st floor. Room 105 is located to the left of the stairs in the corner of the building.
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Presented by
Hosted By
20 Went