Cover Image for zkWarsaw Meetup 12: Recent Techniques Used in zk-SNARKs: Explaining the GKR Method (Ariel Gabizon)
Cover Image for zkWarsaw Meetup 12: Recent Techniques Used in zk-SNARKs: Explaining the GKR Method (Ariel Gabizon)
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zkWarsaw Meetup 12: Recent Techniques Used in zk-SNARKs: Explaining the GKR Method (Ariel Gabizon)

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About Event

Ariel Gabizon, one of the authors of the PLONK paper, will walk us through the recent advances in the field of (Zero-Knowledge) Succinct Non-interactive ARguments of Knowledge. He will focus on GKR which received significant interest recently and attempt to explain it to all of us.

We're meeting IRL in Warsaw. We'll be recording the event and (hopefully) live-streaming it — check our Twitter for updates.

​Location: Warsaw University of Technology - Faculty Mathematics and Information Science. Entrance from Koszykowa Street or Aleja Niepodległości Street; floor 1, room 105. Go up the main staircase to the 1st floor. Room 105 is located to the left of the stairs in the corner of the building.

Wydział Matematyki i Nauk Informacyjnych Politechniki Warszawskiej
Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warszawa, Poland
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31 Went