Cover Image for zkWarsaw Meetup 10: zkBitVM
Cover Image for zkWarsaw Meetup 10: zkBitVM
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Presented by
11 Went
Past Event
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About Event

The next zkWarsaw meetup will feature a talk by Carsten Munk (Cartesi) on bringing ZK verifiers to Bitcoin using BitVM.

We'll be meeting IRL in Warsaw; the address will be announced soon — check our Twitter for updates.

Legacy event page:

Location: Warsaw University of Technology, main building, floor 2, room 213. Go up the main staircase to the 2nd floor, then turn right and walk to the end of the corridor. Room 213 will be in the corner of the building:

Gmach Główny Politechniki Warszawskiej
plac Politechniki 1, 00-661 Warszawa, Poland
Floor 2, room 213. Go up the main staircase to the 2nd floor, then turn right and walk to the end of the corridor. Room 213 will be in the corner of the building.
Avatar for zkWarsaw
Presented by
11 Went