CoS Virtual Summit (Sept 28)
Come join for us for the 2023 Chief of Staff Virtual Summit!
Summit Theme: How To Thrive As A CoS
When: Thursday September 28th at Noon - 8PM EST
Confirmed speakers are Lattice CoS Emily Smith, former Harry's CoS Rachel Peck and Author and HBS Professor Christina Wallace to name a few.
Noon: Build A Life, Not Just a Career with Christina Wallace
12:30: CoS Lightning Round of mini talks with Kristin Kopp, Michelle Hamer, Michelle Banham, Peter Kuna, Priyanka Peeramsetty, and Rahul Desai
1:15: How A CEO and CoS Work Together with CommandBar CEO James Evans and Operations Lead Manaan Alexander
1:45: CoS Onboarding with Megan Wendholt and Allison Boggs
2:15: Using Tech To Amplify Your Work with CoS Tim Rutten and Tierney Pretzer
2:45: Annual Planning with Lattice CoS Emily Smith
3:30: Hot Seats
4:15: CoS career path with Simi Shah and Michael Novak
4:45: Business Calendar and Operating Rhythm with Allie Yeakey and Adam Luepke
5:15: CoS hiring trends with Zaharo Tsekouras, Abby Miller, and Radhika Paliwal
5:45: CoS Lightning Round of mini talks with Beth Jacobs, Hallie Warner, Rico Ashab, Tina Gibbons, and Xica Wiltgen
6:30: Coaching AMA with Rachel Peck
7:00: Leveling-up As A CoS with Aditi Bhatia and Vivian Mason
7:30: Debrief and mingling
Want to sponsor? Email David at
Want to speak? Email David too (lol) at
Ticket purchases are non-refundable. Sorry.
Excited to see you on Thursday 9/28!