Australian Startup Basketball - Gold Coast
Australian Startup Basketball - Gold Coast
The second Gold Coast event of the year is locked in for the 11th of March with Ben Howe and CoSpaces leading the charge by picking up the tab for the event as well as graciously offering up workspaces for the day to allow continued collab once we have our breath back!
The plan for the day as it stands will be:
🏀 BBall at the Carrara Indoor Sports Centre from 8-9am before moving to CoSpaces Cohort Innovation Space at Nexus St in Southport.
At some stage I’m sure we will break for an extended lunch at the onsite Bar.
We will again look to limit the number of attendees for the event so it doesn’t turn into a summer basketball camp that your parents used to drop you off at for 5 weeks with 100 other kids…….…. (wipes tears from eyes)
Side note: We are also looking to source some singlets for future events with an opportunity to slap your businesses name all over them….. (looks in the direction of Denver Naidoo 🌴 and Zeligate)
Sign up below to be part of a great day!
Also Gold Coast peeps, on the 25 Feb I will be heading up to the Brisbane 🏀Bball event hosted by Mark "Z" Zmarzly 🦄. There is opportunity to work out of the AWS offices for the day culminating with the game taking place at 3pm. DM me if you want to join, get in quick though as I can only take a small group.