👾 Meme Day Party: Nice to Meme You ~~~ 👾
👾 Meme Day Party: Nice to Meme You 👾
Meme Day Party is a dedicated Memecoin paradise created specifically for Memecoin, where you can learn about many combinations of cryptocurrency and internet meme culture all at once. As the first festival of meme-based cryptocurrency, Meme Day Party offers an interesting and engaging entry point into WEB3 through the viral energy of memes. Participants will be immersed in a world that combines meme-driven entertainment with blockchain innovation.
Event Detail
⏰ Event Time:12/14 13:00~17:00
📍 Venue: Tempo House
📅 Agenda
1:00 PM – 1:30 PM Registration and Welcome Networking
1:30 PM – 1:45 PM Opening Remarks
1:45 PM – 2:30 PM Keynote Presentations by Projects - part 1
2:30 PM – 2:45 PM Break
2:45 PM – 3:30 PM Keynote Presentations by Projects - part 2
3:30 PM - 4:00 PM Panel Talk
4:00 PM – 4:15 PM Networking
4:15 PM – 4:20 PM DressCode airdrop
4:20 PM – 5:00 PM Closing Session and Wrap-Up networking
💜 DressCode Airdrop - 就要醬”紫“ 💜
- 參加方法 -
將照片上傳至 SNS 並 tag @MemeCoore_ORG @Blocktempo 和 #TempoHouse #TBW
向現場 MemeCore 員工展示你發布的內容
- 開獎時間 -
活動當日 16:15 - 16:20 將於現場抽出 6 位幸運兒
現場提供 USDT 錢包地址
MemeCore is an EVM based L1 multi-chain cross-staking blockchain secured by Proof of Meme (PoM) consensus mechanism. Designed for meme coins, it aims to create a playground for meme communities within the blockchain ecosystem. MemeCore encourages memecoin communities to embrace a decentralized future, promoting creativity and inclusiveness while ensuring security and providing engaging services.
MemeCore 是一種基於 EVM 的 L1 多鏈交叉質押區塊鏈,由 Meme 證明 (PoM) 共識機制提供保護。它專為迷因幣而設計,旨在為區塊鏈生態系統內的迷因社群創建一個遊樂場。 MemeCore 鼓勵 memecoin 社群擁抱去中心化的未來,促進創造力和包容性,同時確保安全性並提供有吸引力的服務。
BlockTempo 是華語區塊鏈最有影響力的全方位媒體,今年舉辦亞洲前三大峰會:亞洲區塊鏈高峰會 ABS2024,並吸引了超過 13,000 人參加、150 家贊助商,以及 300 位講者。
Fautor is Fantrie’s Web 3.0 initiative, integrating blockchain technology to transform the creator economy. Fantrie is a platform where creators connect with fans, sharing exclusive content. Together, Fautor and Fantrie are building the hottest platform in the blockchain market.
Fautor 是 Fantrie的 Web 3.0 激勵計劃,整合區塊鏈技術來改變創作者經濟。Fantrie 是一個創作者與粉絲聯繫、分享獨家內容的平臺。Fautor 和 Fantrie 正在共同打造區塊鏈市場上最熱門的平臺。
GimmeCat brings you the ultimate community competition! Team up to help Lucky leap from box to box, earning points and boosting your token's visibility and influence. Compete against rival tokens to dominate the leaderboard and transform fun gameplay into powerful community growth.
Play-to-Boost your community now on Telegram: https://t.me/HotPotArcadeBot
Mr. Miggles
Meet Mr. Miggles: The Creator’s Cat 🐾✨
Born from Coinbase's iconic NFT campaign, Mr. Miggles captured hearts and sparked a movement to empower creators of all kinds—musicians, artists, and yes, even cats! With no pre-sales, no paid promotions, and no airdrops, the Miggles token is a pure, decentralized celebration of fun and creativity.
What started as a cute cat video turned into a global phenomenon, fueled entirely by a passionate community. In 4 short months, Miggles has evolved into a collective mission to uplift creators and redefine meme culture.
At its heart, Miggles is about creator empowerment. By providing a platform for authentic expression and community-driven growth, Miggles enables creators and IPs to thrive, innovate, and connect across boundaries. Whether you’re a seasoned artist or a curious dreamer, Miggles is here to inspire, support, and celebrate the power of creativity.
Join the Miggles movement. The future is bright, and it’s purrfectly migglish. 😼✨
Tempo House
全台最大的 Web3 實體聚落,擁有台北稀有的 3 樓獨棟空間,其中蘊含了精美的飲食、酒水;會員空間;大平面露台,帶給來 Tempo House 的來賓都有最舒適的體驗。