Who Are The New Gen Scientists? | Online workshop by Henry Royce Institute + Wilbe
Henry Royce Institute and Wilbe invite you to an online workshop to discover exciting career pathways for scientists beyond academia.
Join us to discuss the mindset and skills needed to break away from traditional academic career paths and drive meaningful impact at scale.
Who is this for: PhD students, postdocs, and PIs
When: January 15, 12 - 1 PM
Where: Online, link provided to the registered attendees
Are you a scientist who has just started a business or are you now gearing up for fundraising? Applications are now open for Bootcamp for Scientist Founders – an intense course designed to equip scientist founders with the tools to make smart, practical decisions when it matters most. Apply before January 19: wilbe.com/bsf
Wilbe Sandbox is an open-source platform for the new generation of scientists, featuring a global community of like-minded researchers, resources for launching your own business, job board in science and tech, lab search tools, and funding opportunities.