CCSD November Happy Hour
Hello Climate Collective San Diego! Our next meet up will be Tuesday, November 19 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Culture Brewing in Solana Beach.
Join us to talk climate solutions and climate tech, learn about new climate policies, and have a good beer after the election.
We are looking to highlight lower carbon transport methods by aiming to host our events in locations via public transit infrastructure. Culture Brewing is across the street from the Solana Beach Amtrak/Coaster station which means skipping evening traffic! Be in touch with our organizers who will be taking the train up.
The Coaster trip planner and schedule are available here - https://gonctd.com/maps-schedules/schedules/
Amtrak tickets and schedules are available here -https://www.amtrak.com/home.html