#2 Global Fundraising Unveiled—Insights and Strategies for Success
👋 Welcome back to our monthly salon series, co-hosted by EY and the Tokyo Metropolitan Government!
📣Join us at EY The Hub (Tokyo Midtown Hibiya) for our second event, where seasoned investors and entrepreneurs will share practical insights into the global fundraising landscape. Learn firsthand from leaders who excel in global fundraising, and driving successful cross-border investments. 🚀 Don’t miss this unique opportunity to connect and learn from global experts!
🌏The Global Women Entrepreneurs Salon in Tokyo serves as a central hub for women entrepreneurs and supporters in the startup and innovation ecosystem. By emphasizing English in business communications, we aim to foster global connections and inspire collaboration among innovators worldwide.
Stay tuned for a series of monthly gatherings and exclusive networking events!
18:00 - Reception
18:30 -18:40 Opening
EY Japan Women Athletes Business Network Leader
18:40 -19:10 Keynote
Navigating Cross-Border Investments: Insights from a Global Financier
Founder & Co-CEO @HiJoJo Partners Inc.
19:15 -19:45 Panel Discussion
Approaches to Financing Global Business: Conversations with Entrepreneurs and Investors
Co-Founder & General Partner @AT PARTNERS, Inc.
Founder & CEO @EastMeetEast
Co-Founder & CEO @Secai Marche
19:50 -20:20 Pitch
Pitching by Women Entrepreneurs Expanding Overseas
<Pitch participant>
Co-founder & CEO @An-Nahal
Founder & CEO @Ripplenity
Jane Wang
Co-founder & Chief Psychologist @Lyra Tech
and more
<Judge / Commentator>
Founder & Co-CEO @HiJoJo Partners Inc.
Senior Associate @YF Capital Japan
20:20 -20:30 Closing
20:30 – Networking Event
@EY The HUB (Tokyo Midtown Hibiya)
EY Global Women Athletes Business Network Leader
Janelle leads the EY Global Women Athletes Business Network, focusing on empowering women athletes and entrepreneurs. With over 18 years of experience in branding and HR solutions, she emphasizes diversity and inclusion in her work. Previously, she was the D&I Leader for a tech company in Asia-Pacific, where she developed strategies to enhance workplace diversity. Drawing on her background as a competitive gymnast, she addresses the challenges women face in today’s workforce.
Founder & Co-CEO @HiJoJo Partners Inc.
After graduating from Columbia University with a degree in Engineering Management Systems, Mr. Menzas joined Salomon Brothers Asia Securities (now Citigroup Securities) in 1995, starting his career as a programmer. He quickly advanced to become Vice President in the Equity Division as a trader, where he distinguished himself as a desk head. Following his time there, Mr. Menzas successfully introduced algorithmic trading as a consultant at Mizuho Securities in 2007, leading to a formal position with the company. The following year, he was appointed Co-Head of the Equity Division and Deputy Global Head of Pan Asian Equities. Later, after transitioning to the Investment Department, he shifted his focus to the fintech sector, where he worked extensively on due diligence, value enhancement, and fund arrangements, collaborating with over 100 venture companies and more than 80 institutional investors worldwide. In November 2017, Mr. Menzas founded HiJoJo Partners and took on the role of CEO. In November 2024, he was named Co-CEO.
Co-Founder & General Partner @AT PARTNERS, Inc.
Jun co-founded AT Partners in 2018 with extensive experience in the foundation of CVC, a series of fund operations, and cross-border M&A in startups, venture capitals, and enterprises. Prior to ATP, he worked in startups in the U.S. and Japan including experience in the launch and exit of startups.
Founder & CEO @EastMeetEast
Mariko is a seasoned serial entrepreneur with a track record of building technology businesses from concept to maturity. Mariko received the Forbes Japan Women Award (most influential women in business, 2019). She also received the Best Global Entrepreneur Award from the Tokyo New Business Conference in 2023. Additionally, she is listed in the Global Dating Power Book (as ‘most influential leader’ in the dating industry, 2022) and Women in Global Dating Power Book (as ‘most influential leader’ in the dating industry, 2021). Quipper, an e-learning mobile app company which Mariko co-founded, was sold for $40m in 2015. She is now CEO and founder of EastMeetEast, North America’s largest dating / live-streaming app for Asians.
Mariko enjoys being involved with the startup community outside of her role as a founder. She has served on the organizing committee of the Oxford Technology Network and a judge at VCIC, the international Venture Capital Investment Competition.
Co-Founder & CEO @Secai Marche
Ami is the Co-Founder and CEO of Secai Marche, a Farm-Direct platform in Malaysia & Singapore. Originally from Shizuoka, Japan, she studied in the U.S. and, upon returning, led health and wellness initiatives across 60+ companies in Japan. In 2015, she launched her first business in Malaysia, founding the trading business of Japanese tea and Japanese ingredients, and managing F&B brand. Later, at Deloitte Tohmatsu, she supported the export of Japanese agricultural products to Southeast Asia, building a sales network of over 200 retailers and restaurants in Singapore. In 2018, she founded Secai Marche, where she serves as CEO.
Exciting Themes Ahead: Salon Schedule
Global Market Expansion: December
FinTech: January
Pitch Contest: February
Mentoring Sessions: February
Venue Entry Instructions
1.Please visit EY general reception (10F) from Hibiya Mitsui Tower office entrance
Please enter the building from the office entrance (Hibiya-Dori Street). Take the lift to 9F and visit EY general reception at 10F by escalator.
※Please note that the entrance from the shopping mall is unavailable.
2.To access Venue (EY The Hub) rooms from EY general reception (10F)
Please present the Luma QR code at EY general reception. After checking in, you will receive your visitor pass for the venue.
Then, please take the elevator to the 21F.
*Please note that the details of the events are tentative and may be subject to change.
👋 EYと東京都が協働で開催する月例サロンシリーズへようこそ!
📣 今回はEY The Hub(東京ミッドタウン日比谷)で第2回目のイベントを開催します。経験豊富な投資家や起業家が、グローバルな資金調達の現状について実践的な知見を共有します。国際的な資金調達やクロスボーダー投資を推進するリーダーたちから直接学ぶ貴重な機会です🚀 世界の専門家とつながり、学ぶことができるこのチャンスをお見逃しなく!
🌏The Global Women Entrepreneurs Salonは、スタートアップやイノベーションのエコシステムにおける女性起業家とその支援のための中心的な場所として、ビジネスコミュニケーションで英語を活用することにより、世界中のイノベーターとのグローバルなつながりを育み、お互いに協力し合う環境を整えることを目指しています。
18:00 - 受付開始
18:30 -18:40 オープニング
EY Japan Women Athletes Business Network Leader
18:40 -19:10 基調講演
Founder & Co-CEO @HiJoJo Partners Inc.
19:15 -19:45 パネルディスカッション
Co-Founder & General Partner @AT PARTNERS, Inc.
Founder & CEO @EastMeetEast
Co-Founder & CEO @Secai Marche
19:50 -20:20 ピッチ
Co-founder & CEO @An-Nahal
Founder & CEO @Ripplenity
and more
<審査員 / コメンテーター>
Founder & Co-CEO @HiJoJo Partners Inc.
Senior Associate @YF Capital Japan
General Partner @FIRSTLIGHT Capital
20:20 -20:30 クロージング
20:30 – ネットワーキングイベント
EY Global Women Athletes Business Network Leader
Founder & Co-CEO @HiJoJo Partners Inc.
コロンビア大学の経営工学学科を卒業後、1995年にソロモン・ブラザーズ・アジア証券(現シティグループ証券)に入社。プログラマーからトレーダーに転身し、エクイティ部門のバイス・プレジデントとして活躍。2007年にはみずほ証券のコンサルタントとしてアルゴリズム取引を導入し、翌年にはエクイティ本部の共同本部長に就任。投資業務部ではフィンテック分野に注力し、100社以上のベンチャー企業と80社以上の機関投資家との間でデューデリジェンスやバリューアップ、アレンジメント等を手掛けた。2017年にHiJoJo Partnersを創業し、2024年には共同社長に就任。
Co-Founder & General Partner @AT PARTNERS, Inc.
米国及び日本でスタートアップの立ち上げやエグジット経験、CVC設立から一連のファンド実務やクロスボーダーM&Aおよびベンチャー投資など、スタートアップと投資家双方での豊富な経験を有し、2018年にAT Partnersを創業。
Founder & CEO @EastMeetEast
2010年にオックスフォード大学にてMBAを取得後、モバイルeラーニングアプリ運営会社 Quipperを共同創業。Quipperは2015年リクルートが48億円で買収。2013年にアジア人向けマッチング・ライブ配信サービスEastMeetEastを創業。2019年にはForbes JAPAN WOMEN AWARD2019を受賞。2022年にはGlobal Dating Insights Power Book 2022 (グローバルマッチング業界で最も影響力のある人)に選出。2023年には東京ニュービジネス協議会 海外アントレプレナー最優秀賞を受賞。
Co-Founder & CEO @Secai Marche
東南アジア マレーシア、シンガポールでサービスを提供する産地EC プラットフォーム Secai Marcheの 共同創業者兼CEO。(本社:日本)米大学で学び、帰国後は日本の60以上の企業で健康経営の取り組みをリードした。2015年にマレーシアで起業、日本茶を中心とした日本産食品の輸出入事業、飲食事業を経営。その後、デロイトトーマツでは、日本の農産物を東南アジアに輸出する支援を行い、半年でシンガポールにおける200以上のレストランの販売ネットワークを構築した。2018年にSecai Marcheを設立し、現在CEOを務めている。
1.日比谷三井タワーオフィス専用エントランス から EY 総合受付(10 階) まで
日比谷通り側(日比谷公園側)のオフィス棟専用エントランスからシャトルエレベーター(1F-9F)にて9 階まで上がり、さらにエスカレーターで 10 階へお越しください。
10 階に EY の総合受付がございます。
2.EY 総合受付(10 階) から会場(EY The Hub)まで