Crash Course: Gen Chem 2
What: 3-hour crash course on high-yield Gen Chem 2 (all based on current DAT questions you have to know).
Taught by Bootcamp’s Kyle Christenson, who scored a 30 on GC. Learn to think like a DAT expert.
What we'll cover:
Ideal Gas Assumptions
Combined and Ideal Gas Law
Grahams Law of Effusion
Daltons Law of Partial Pressures
Intermolecular Forces
Phase Changes and Diagrams
Molality and Molarity
Net Ionic Equation and Solubilities
Solubility and Henry’s Law
Colligative Properties
Raoult’s Law
Rate Laws and Constants
Integrated Rate Laws
Reaction Coordinate Mechanisms
Collision Theory and Arrhenius Equation
Rate Laws and Elementary Steps
☑️ High-yield and question application focused
☑️ Mnemonics and memory aids for helping info stick
☑️ Learn to think like an expert test taker
Prerequisite Coursework:
Prior to attending this General Chemistry 2 Crash Crash, please review Dr. Mike's Videos Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8.
Why: Distill weeks of learning into 3 hours. Stop feeling like you're wasting time and let's learn faster, together.