Brooklyn Hour of Action September Surge
Team Brooklyn is kicking off a “September Surge” of climate action with a Kickoff Party on Wednesday, September 11th. We’ll talk strategy, we’ll take action, and we’ll set goals. You’ll leave the event with a clear, actionable plan for the fall, tailored to your interests.
Whether you’re new to political action (like +60% of our community!) or a seasoned advocate, you’re in the right place. You have more influence than you realize! Bring a laptop, a friend or two, grab a drink, and let's get to work.
Threes Brewing is an 8 min walk from Atlantic Barclays (Subway lines 2,3,4,5,B,Q,D,N,R) and a 15 min walk from Bergen St. (Subway lines F,G). We'll be outside in the backyard patio most weeks, so bring a jacket!
Learn more about Climate Changemakers here.
Reach out to Danny if you have any questions! You can shoot him a text at (510) 610-8336 or an email at
See you soon!
This is a community space, so being here means agreeing to our community guidelines.