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Quarterly Planning Party Q4

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About Event

Devin’s signature planning session guides you in kicking off every quarter of your business with a clear plan of action.

Quarterly Planning Party is a two hour intensive where you plan out your major focus and themes for the upcoming quarter. Join us to reflect on your vision, map your initiatives and ensure your day to day is getting you towards your goals. We'll make sure it's in your Project Management tool so that you can keep progressing on your time

We’ll be working on Q4 2024 (Oct-Dec). This takes place Thursday, Sept 26 at 11am ET.

Included in this session:

  • 2 hour quarterly planning intensive (held on Thursday, Sept 26, 2024 from 11am-1pm Eastern on Zoom)

  • Invite to the Growthtrackers Slack community to stay in touch as your plan starts working!

First Half: Reflect & Refine

  • Review your vision and accomplishments from the last year

  • Identify what worked best to bring you clients

  • Uncover what you are curious about doing more of in your business 

  • Determine what you can STOP doing to streamline your focus and energy

Second Half: Project Planning for Growth

  • Based on what we discover in the first half, we will dive into planning a project for the next quarter that will fuel the growth of your business and set the foundation for sustainable growth.

  • Share what you are working on and get support from Devin Lee and the community

  • Engage in coworking for next quarter's content and make connections that matter

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