Cognitive Security Meetup & Unconference
What is Cognitive Security
Cognitive Security or CogSec is an emerging interdisciplinary field studying mental self-defense against mind manipulation, social engineering and persuasion techniques.
In some sense cognitive security can be thought of as the opposite of mind manipulation. Mind manipulation seeks to bypass a person's critical thinking and influence a person's behaviour or beliefs via psychological vulnerabilities. Cognitive Security aims to protect our mental autonomy in forming beliefs and making decisions as well as understand ways in which human minds are vulnerable in order to build resilience against various forms of manipulation and persuasion.
Cognitive Security as a field is certainly concerned with "conventional" bad actors such as charismatic individuals, private corporations, public organisations and governments manipulating cognition — be it intentionally or unintentionally. But the overall scope is more broad: it also aims to protect individual minds against hostile memes (self-replicating units of cultural information), hostile egregores (distributed thought entities), emergent social media dynamics and hypothetical future threats like superpersuasive AI.
There is also US-based group focused on CogSec, you can read their definition on their website.
Meetup structure
The meetup will start with a remote 20-min talk on Basics of CogSec by Romeo Stevens (the founder of Mealsquares and the writer of Neurotic Gradient Descent; he is @RomeoStevens76 on twitter).
The talk will follow by a 30-40 min remote panel discussion + Q&A with Romeo Stevens and Mike Johnson (the writer of Opentheory.net and the author of Principia Qualia, Symmetry Theory of Valence, Neural Annealing, Principles of Vasocomputation; he is @johnsonmxe on twitter).
Examples of CogSec-related writing by the speakers
Romeo's essay "Buddhist Psychotechnology for Withstanding Apocalypse Stress"
Mike's twitter thread "In the beginning there was sensation"
Mike's long twitter post "We seem to have various “roll for disbelief” interrupts we can inject into our nervous system to prevent connecting with a person/idea/stimulus".
The talk and the panel discussion will be followed by unconference, a participant-driven conference with write-in schedule on the wall. Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a topic can claim a time and a space. We had several unconferences in the last few months at Newspeak House, so might've been to one already — this one will have a similar format.
That said, you can also simply come and hang out with people — unconference is there to give some structure and help like-minded people find each other.
7:00 PM Doors open
7:30 PM Romeo Stevens's talk "Introduction to Cognitive Security"
8:00 PM Panel discussion with Romeo Stevens and Mike Johnson. Q&A
8:30 PM Break: discussion and socialising. Proposing unconference topics.
9:00 PM until late unconference
Potential discussion topics
You are very much welcome to propose your own discussion topics not listed here. These topics are provided for reference.
What counts as manipulation? How is it different from normal attempts to influence minds? How can we best defend against it? Why defend against it at all?
Group Dynamics & Cognitive Security. How group psychology affects individual thinking? Collective defense against manipulation
Psychedelics. Nowadays they are often used as therapeutic tools that help people overcome emotional challenges and gain mental flexibility, but in the past CIA was attempting to use them for mind control (Project MKUltra). What do psychedelics say about human mind's ability to process information? How psychedelics help or hurt personal epistemology?
Future Challenges. Potential impacts of advanced AI on human cognition. Preparing for increased sophistication in persuasion technology.
Memes & Thought Patterns. Identifying and analyzing harmful thought patterns. How ideas spread and self-replicate.
Social media's impact on cognitive autonomy. Information overload & building healthy information consumption habits
Your personal stories of getting manipulated and resisting manipulation. What did you learn about it?