On-chain gameplay workshop by Minters, Playmint, Lattice, Asphodel
Hosted by Komorebi's hacker house
Past Event
About Event
●Who should come:
・・Builders, researchers, and players of on-chain games/autonomous worlds
・Only people who can play with laptop (metamask wallet must be installed) to play fully on-chain games
14:00 - 17:40: On-chain gameplay workshop by Minters, Moving Castle, Playmint, Lattice, Asphodel
It's Playing on-chain game workshops with builders. Onboarding games and playing games together.
・Rhascau: 14:00-14:40
・DawnSeekers: 14:45-15:25
・Sky Strife: 15:30-16:10
・Kamigochi: 16:15-17:00