Cover Image for Songwriter Support Group

Songwriter Support Group

Hosted by Harsh, Adi Melamed & Patricia Mou
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If you've ever thought - "it'd be cool if i could write a song", we'll be setting up a support circle for all experience levels.

Complete beginner ? We'll help you get started.
Stuck on something ? We'll help you get unstuck
Just want to help ? We'll find you people in distress

Ideally we can have a mix of people who come w/ stuck pieces and some who don't so we can split up into circles. So if songwriting is something that you have an interest in but don't necessarily have a piece, we need you as well!

Unfinished verse → Finished
Idea → Demo
Melody → Structured song

The format for this circle should evolve as we figure out what works and what doesn't - for now, just bring you instrument of choice.

All modes of songwriting/experience welcome!