Meetup Marseille - altruisme efficace
Rendez-vous for altruisme efficace Marseille's first meetup 💡
👉 What is effective altruism? Effective altruism is a community that thinks about the most effective ways of tackling major problems of our era. To find out more, visit Effective Altruism’s website.
👉 What's a meetup? A meeting to get to know each other, form networks, chat, have fun, and possibly set up projects!
👉 What's on the agenda?
3pm-4pm: Arrival and free discussion
4pm-5pm: Card game on effective altruism
5pm-6pm: Free time (discussion or game for those who want to continue!)
No activity is required, and you can leave whenever you like!
👉 Who is hosting? Leah, a volunteer for Altruisme Efficace France, involved in the effective altruism movement and an independent consultant. Passionate about many problem areas like: Animal Advocacy, AI, Disease, Poverty and to be honest - really all to do with effective altruism! 💡
Ren, co-volunteer, with a background in international relations, psychology, and history. Passionate about philosophy, longtermism, and effective altruism! 💡
👉 Who's it for? For everyone! Whether or not you're familiar with effective altruism, you're welcome to exchange 🙌
👉 Where? Boulangerie - Café Pain Salvador (🚨Attention: Location updated!)
👉 Language? The meetup will be primarily in English, most attendees will also speak French 🤝
Don't hesitate to write to me (, or AE France's Director, Guillaume ( for more information about the event or the association.