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About Event

🌳 What is Human Flourishing?

​In theory, all that we do in a healthy human civilization is supposed to be in service of human and planet flourishing. So what does it mean to explicitly it out as a movement? We think it means to mindfully push back on some industrial-era norms and systems that have not served humans well, and our planet. In this circle, we plan to learn our way into the history, present, and future of the concept and ideally come up with definitions, metrics, frameworks, and actions that we all feel good about. The goal is to build a healthier innovation ecosystem.

For starters, based on our research, observations, and intuition so far, it appears that any experience / environment that supports authentic Human Connections, Creative Expressions, Learning and Growth, Joyful Play, and Agentic Actions are likely to lead to flourishing humans. Would love to iterate on this as a group, and to take concrete actions to support relevant projects and efforts.

💛 Who is this event for?

Everyone really. This is especially for community builders, organization founders, and optimistic connectors who create environments that support human flourishing. This is a space to support each other.

This is also for builders, philosophers, ethicists, social scientists, anthropologists, and theorists of all kinds to advance knowledge in the topic.

More details on issues at hand

At a planetary and society level: as we know, in the industrial era of our civilization, many systemic forces have not served humans and the planet as well as we had hoped. Especially here in the United States, everything from climate to finance, from health to education...many systems leave much to be desired. Much is at stake at this particular juncture for our species. As we (hopefully) transition into an ecological civilization, many principles and practices would need to be re-designed to truly prioritize human and other species' needs, rather than letting technology and capital continue to drive our economy and existence. All three are needed, but balance is key.

​At a local level: our San Francisco Bay Area ecosystem/society at large is going through an exciting Renaissance period, driven by the transition from Web 2 technologies to AI technology stack. At the center are super connectors and the communities that we are building: from the Commons to Vibe Camp, Cerebral Valley, Pebble Bed, Women in AI, artist-led communities, and the like. While these efforts clearly offer tremendous value by gathering and supporting groups of humans to flourish in positive sum and authentically aligned ways, these communities and the humans that drive them are not always well understood or supported by our entrepreneurial ecosystem’s traditional mindsets and values. We want to change that. We think that forming a collective would help. So let's gather!

​🍰 What can we do together?

  1. ​Have some snacks and take a break

  2. ​Connect with each other as humans

  3. ​Exchange ideas and offer mutual support

  4. ​Ideate on what, as a collective, we can do to guide the ecosystem around us to better support similar projects, and over time make it easier for those that come after

  5. Advance both theoretical and practical knowledge on Human Flourishing, and to connect with groups with similar efforts, to push for a wider movement