Berlin Systems Group
A Meetup for all low level systems enthusiasts in Berlin. If you’re interested in how Databases, Distributed Systems and Compilers work, this Meetup is the place for you!
Stefan Radig, Engineering Manager @ Neon
- Building and Scaling a Multi-Tenant HTTP+WebSockets Proxy for Postgres
Andrey Cheptsov, Founder and CEO, dstack
- Developing, training, and deploying AI models is challenging, whether in the cloud or on-premises. dstack is an open-source AI container orchestration platform that radically simplifies this process, supporting various cloud providers, hardware vendors, and frameworks. In his talk, Andrey will discuss the project and how it can help AI teams simplify their workflows.
- Andrey is a core contributor to dstack and is passionate about open-source and AI. Previously, Andrey worked at JetBrains, including on the PyCharm team.
We will update the event with the Location.
Please join the slack community for updates and interactions: https://join.slack.com/t/berlinsystemsgroup/shared_invite/zt-2jlevdt51-1ae1MWwcaZuvdLBp1kNSjA