Cover Image for Forest Medicine Councils by SNFTI
Cover Image for Forest Medicine Councils by SNFTI
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Wisdom Councils
40 Going

Forest Medicine Councils by SNFTI

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About Event

Welcome to a series of online councils with Scandinavian Nature and Forest Therapy Institute (SNFTI)!

This series of dialogues features teachings, conversations, and Q&A sessions on Forest Bathing, Forest Therapy, and key practices in the realms of nature connection. We will dive into topics such as the Path of the Guide, Forest Therapy methodologies, the art of Tea Ceremonies, and other paths to healing our separation from nature.

The SNFTI Wisdom Councils are a special invitation for anyone interested in the Art of Forest Bathing.

Let's come together to share, listen, and explore topics closely related to our paths as Forest Bathing and Forest Therapy guides. We will also invite special guest speakers (TBA). Each conversation opens with a guided embodiment meditation and ends with a sharing circle. You are also welcome to join our SNFTI WhatsApp group for sharing inspiration, resources, and other practices.

The dialogues are also a good preparation for those planning to join any of our Forest Therapy Guide Trainings in 2025 and a valuable resource for certified guides. Designed to accompany your journey through the Forest Therapy Guide Training, the circles offer both preparatory insights and in-depth discussions. We highly recommend them for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding and practice.

Event Details

  • Schedule: Five Wisdom Councils from September 2024 to February 2025.

  • Languages: Sessions will be held in Swedish/Norwegian or English if needed.

  • Hosts: Petra Ellora Cau Wetterholm (SNFTI Sweden) and Caroline Hargreaves (SNFTI Norway)

  • Platform: We will gather on Zoom, available both as a web feature and an app. We recommend bringing your fully charged device into nature for an optimal experience or cozy up inside. All circles will be recorded, so you can watch them when you the most receptive.


  • Free of charge for Certified SNFTI guides - ask us for the alumni-code.

  • 350 kr per council for those who have not attended an SNFTI training.

  • Special Offer: Commit to all five circles for a discounted rate of 1600kr.

  • Payments are made through Stripe.

We look forward to sharing this experience with you!

Topics and Dates

26 September - The Art of Forest Therapy in the Nordics
This session features an introduction to the SNFTI Eco Forest Therapy course and a conversation about the uniqueness of guiding in the Nordic ecology and the ancient and moderns roots of this practice. All guides from Sweden and Norway (2019- 2023) are invited to share their experiences.

17 October - The Path of the Guide
In Forest Therapy, the guide embarks on a transformative journey of healing the wound of separation from nature. This experience is interlaced with the language of science, methodology and practical skills, braided and personally integrated in communication with teachers, the land and friends, human and beyond. The path of the guide eventually forms a bridge for others to cross, towards their own reconnection with nature, a journey of profound joy, compassion and healing. 

21 November - Mirrors of the Earth
What is inner and outer deep ecology? As human beings, we are inseparable from the rest of Nature. Through exploration in nature we begin to detect a dialogue between our bodies, the land and the earth, and regard our senses as bridges to wholeness. Learn about tools for engaging in conversation with the natural world, the power of deep listening, and the healing forces of nature.

December and January - Winter Stillness (No Events)

20 February - The Method as Healer
Why do we need a science-based methodology and form for forest bathing and forest therapy? How is forest therapy inspired by the form and simplicity of zen traditions? This session delves into how integrating the methodology during training can enable deep healing and contribute to bridging the gap of separation in our societies. 

27 March - The Sacred Science of Sharing Circles and the Art of the Tea Ceremony - Winter Special - extended council

Part I: Way of Council and Sharing Circles
Learn about the traditional Norse council practice, get inspired by storytelling practices from other cultures, and how we use sharing circles during forest therapy walks.

Part II: Our Forest Tea Ceremony
We gather to celebrate the completion of the Wisdom Councils and the coming of Spring! Learn about the significance behind the Forest Tea Ceremony often conducted at the end of guided forest therapy walks. This session draws inspiration from the Japanese Tea Practices and Ceremonial Traditions.

Register below! Looking forward to seeing you.

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Wisdom Councils
40 Going