Cover Image for Runway to Web Summit, co-hosted with Weme, São Paulo Edition
Cover Image for Runway to Web Summit, co-hosted with Weme, São Paulo Edition
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Private Event

Runway to Web Summit, co-hosted with Weme, São Paulo Edition

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São Paulo, São Paulo
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About Event

​​🇧🇷 O Web Summit, juntamente com nossos co-anfitriões Weme, tem o prazer de organizar o evento 'Runway to Web Summit São Paulo', apresentando o ecossistema tecnológico, tendências de startups e o que esperar dos eventos do Web Summit em todo o mundo.

​Nossos eventos Runway fornecerão uma plataforma para startups locais e convidados especiais e a capacidade de se conectar com outros executivos que frequentam nossos eventos.

Aprenda por meio de um excelente painel enquanto discutem as últimas tendências tecnológicas e o estado do ecossistema tecnológico global.

*este evento terá capacidade limitada*

🇬🇧 Web Summit with our co-hosts Weme, is excited to be hosting its 'Runway to Web Summit São Paulo' event showcasing the local tech ecosystem, startup trends, and what to expect from Web Summit's events around the world.

​Our Runway events will give a platform to local startups and special guests and the ability to connect with others heading to our events over food and conversation.

Learn from an all-star panel as they discuss the latest tech trends and the state of the tech ecosystem in Sao Paulo and wider afield.

THIS A LIMITED CAPACITY EVENT - please join our waitlist

In terms of the registration questions, you may withdraw your consent at any time. Your Personal Data will be processed in accordance with our Privacy Policy

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
São Paulo, São Paulo
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