BNB Chain @ ETH Denver
Event Information
BNB Chain will be at ETH Denver this year! Join us for a week of fun hacking, panels, workshops, and plenty of networking. Book your tickets for the main sessions and don't forget to register for the Happy Hour separately; see the note below.
Main Sessions
- Panel "Uniting Web3 Communities in 2023": Mar 3rd 10:30am - 11:00am. Diana Bogdanova from BNB Chain will join this panel sharing her insight into building and scaling Web3 communities.
Location: Regenl Andia, Sspork Castle, 4655 Humboldt Street, Denver, CO 80216
Agenda: LINK
- Panel "CeFi vs DeFi": Mar 3rd 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm. This panel will feature experts from both centralized institutions and decentralized protocols or companies. It is an excellent opportunity for anyone interested in the future of crypto exchanges to gain a deeper understanding of the issues at hand and the potential solutions that are being developed.
Location: DeFi District, Sspork Castle, 4655 Humboldt Street, Denver, CO 80216
Agenda: LINK
- Greenfield Workshop: Mar 3rd 3:00 pm - 3:30pm Do you want to learn more about BNB Chain's recently released decentralised storage solution "Greenfield"? In this workshop BNB Chain Solution Architect Arnaud Bauer will deep dive into the incentive models of different decentralised storage solutions and give a comprehensive introduction to Greenfield. If you want to join our track in ETH Denver hackathon, you shouldn't miss it.
Agenda: LINK
- Panel "Mass Adoption Infrastructure?": Mar 3rd 4:00pm - 4:30 pm Join our Technology Evangelist Dylan Kawalec for an insightful panel discussion on the challenges facing Web3 technical adoption and its needed infrastructure. Our panelists will define the key solutions to on-board a maximum of developers into Web3 and discuss how to make DeFi more accessible and user-friendly for the public.
Location: DeFi District, Sspork Castle, 4655 Humboldt Street, Denver, CO 80216
Agenda: LINK
- BNB Chain Booth: From March 2nd to March 5th, you'll find our large booth at the National Western Complex(something you won't miss). Stop by to get some exclusive swag and treats.
Main Sponsors:
We'd like to thank the following Co-Host sponsors, Lifeform, Salus, NodeReal and Polyhedra for their generous support. To learn more about them check out the links below:
General Sponsors:
Shorter Finance: