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Cover Image for Hatch
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Entrepreneur First
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Oxford, England
Past Event
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About Event

We throw curated small-circle dinners for people with ideas they want to will into existence. This is not a networking event. It’s a space for those who write, code, compose, draw, test hypotheses in a lab, or are otherwise passionate about making stuff - whatever the medium. Tell us your craft and your niche interests. We’ll match you with five people obsessed with different things, but united by the desire to create more stuff - and then, we'll pay for your dinner. Find someone exciting and hatch something together.

Apply anytime. We'll select dinner guests on a rolling basis.

We'll host four dinners - Thursday of Weeks 2,4,6,8. Pierre Victoire, 7 pm. Sign up to that which works best. Fill this form to apply, and we'll write back soon.

Powered by Entrepreneur First.

Please register to see the exact location of this event.
Oxford, England
Avatar for Entrepreneur First
Presented by
Entrepreneur First
Hosted By