Reimagining Business Education: From Inner Exploration to Outer Transformation
If you believe that business needs a fundamental transformation of values and mindset, then come explore with us the role that education plays in this transformation.
In this workshop we will examine how inner development fostered in business education can initiate broader leadership change in business.
Join us in imagining a world where business education is fit for a sustainable future. Education that guides people in connecting their inner world with the outer world: in tune with their values, their humanity, and interconnectedness with the rest of the world, and enables them to act out of this place when they create their organizations, strategies and actions. We will learn from each other's experiences and explore ways to collaborate going forward. Our intention is not to just talk about the topic but to practice it and identify project ideas that we could jointly take forward.
About the hosts:
Ljupka Mitrinovska teaches Personal Mastery at the Geneva Business School, guiding students in translating personal values and passions into courageous leadership for the new economy.
She believes the missing puzzle in current business education programs is the deep inner work, and she is supporting people in bridging this gap between personal development and creating positive external impact through business.
She previously co-created and led an international program named Accelerate2030, supporting entrepreneurs in scaling their impact towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
Biliana Vassileva
I am a design thinking and leadership professional interested in systems change, innovation, and creative engagement. I am an Adjunct Professor at Geneva Business School, where I have designed many courses for Bachelor's and master's students at the Geneva Business School, and I teach at IDEOU. I have worked with international organizations such as the United Nations to help professionals gain hands-on experience in turning their creativity into an impact. While living in Lao PDR, I founded the Lao Cultural Study Series which continues to grow some 20+ years later. I have a wide range of technical experience in design thinking, strategy, behavioral change, complex systems, business, project management, and NGO leadership.